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Revision as of 12:13, 19 March 2017

By: Sulpicia Posted on: May 16, 2010

Dripping with water

and soaked to the bone.

On Loom Island I arrived

Cyrene my new home.

Bombarded with welcomes

Though feeling so lost

I decided to explore

No matter the cost.

On Loom Island I spotted

A sign made of wood

That hovered above me

Next to it Romeo stood.

I read it quite quickly

Too scared to remain

My house was all shouting

I needed to train.

Where was this 'Grotto'?

I had to bless what in song?

Every answer I provided

Just felt very wrong.

I stumbled East

And stopped with a start

There was a man there called Vinci

Stooped over his art.

He straightened up quickly

And passed me a glance.

Around him was swirling

Green and Yellow inks in a dance.

He ushered me over

And grasped at my arm.

I stood struck in wonder

My soft skin quickly marred.

By a tattoo so hideous

And large as can be

That left me discolored

With the image of a tree.

Something did fill me

With a light feeling of pride

Though it wasn't physical

It was something inside.

I had no gold to pay him

But he waved me away.

"That tattoo was a gift,

"Now to portals! Away!"

I concentrated quickly

And arrived with a start

Back at Loom Island

Where a humgii did fart.

I covered my nose

And stumbled west

Where a stooped little woman

Smiled her best.

I dropped in a curtsey

Feeling her eyes on me

She reached out her hand


I raised one eyebrow

And did not but provide

A vial made from wood

As she poured an elixir inside.

I sniffed it with disdain

Mother's cooking smelled worse.

I fumbled about

No gold in my purse.

She waved me away

I teleported right back

To where I had started

With naught but some robes and a pack.

This time determined,

I strode to the Southeast.

Where I met Vellis

Who danced over with glee.

I greeted him gently

And tried to walk away

But quickly he stopped me

And begged me to stay.

"Dear little Siren,

A butterfly net for you.

I am in desperate need

Of something you can do!"

I blinked and nodded

Who knew I'd agree?

To catch him a Summerstorm

And a Golden Emperor or three.

I undertook his task

Flitting about with joy

Every butterfly falling

To my clever ploy.

As I returned later

And handed over my net

Into my palms

A giant pile of gold did I get.

He winked with a smile

Then stopped and did stare.

"Why little Siren,

What colour is your hair?"

I looked down at myself

And did look quite plain.

No distinguishing features

Though my eyes showed disdain.

I did all my make-up

And brushed out my hair

Straightened up taller

My skin now quite fair.

Suddenly giddy,

I had to tell father!

I was getting along

And wouldn't be a bother.

I made it to Cyrene

Though got lost on the way

Nearly devoured by a lion

Who I swear wanted to play.

Requesting a letter

I scooped up a quill

Gathered my thoughts

And sent word of my thrills.

Just passing the fountain

I spotted a man

Arms spilling over with wares

And some rapiers in hand.

With the gold I had gathered

Helping Vellis at the gates

I bargained and pleaded

Finally getting my way.

A rapier he handed

To me with a smile

Counting his gold

As I departed outside.

With a look I was set

To travel along

The road now to Tasur'ke

To bathe my rapier in song.

Above me a crow

Swooped and cawed

Then out of its talons

A letter did drop.

I broke open the seal

And began to read

A quick note from father

With a desperate plea.

"Dear, daughter. Dear, daughter.

Hurry to Ashtan quite fast!

Your mother is ill

And the city is infested with rats."

I took up my rapier

Ran as fast as I could

To the docks of the city

Where the Ratman now stood.

He offered me a greeting

A quick whispered bribe.

The rats were a problem

And they needed to die.

Many days I did stand

A slash here and a jab.

Doing my best

To not miss with my stabs.

A sac now filled

With bloody guts from the rats

I handed them over

"Dear Siren, that was fast."

I had bags under my eyes

The time did draw near

I needed to sleep

And the darkness was here.

I pocketed the gold

And stumbled away

My heart set on home

Though my mind half awake.

I bumped into a man

It did give me a start

I quickly composed

And he said in the dark,

"Little Sulpicia,

I've heard of your deeds.

Slaying those rats

Is quite noble indeed.

Here are some herbs

To help on your way.

Be sure to RIFT those

So they don't fall away."

I listened intently

And did as he said

Though thoughts of my home

Loomed in my head.

That's right, Loom!

I exclaimed to the dark.

Concentrated on portals

Then nothing. Still dark.

Seems while I ratted

My experience did climb

Until finally twenty-one

Did far too soon arrive.

There is my story

Of when I first arrived

On Loom Island as a Newbie

And now a mentor Outside.