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Revision as of 11:46, 19 March 2017

By: Tamal Posted on: May 31, 2010

He watched, silent in the shadows hiding him from sight, as the young Tsol'aa decayed the flesh of her victims. Her eyes were mocking, her lips twisted into a smirk as she slew innocent after innocent villager. The gnomes of Gorshire were dead. He'd watched as she killed, without remorse, every child, man, woman, and guard in the city. Concentrating, as he was young enough himself it wasn't an easy task, he shadowed her.

She practically skipped through the Putoran Hills. Her joy at her killing spree was evident. She slowed, cautiously entering the tunnels of the wildcats, and for a moment he felt a slight wave of relief as she ignored them. He himself preferred to stay hidden and watch how his fellow mortals interacted to killing anything at all. Except rats, for there were far too many of them for his comfort.

He watched as she handed the gnomes to Scylina, the wildcat Queen. The Queen's tone was bored as she thanked the girl, reminding her over and over that the stronger of the gnomes would reward her well. As the girl deposited the gold into her pack, he slipped against the wall, ready for her departure. Only her eyes lit up now, that sickening smirk back on her lips as she said all too sweetly, "Thank for the gold, dear Scylina," and then commenced her attack on the wildcats. The slaughter was just as thorough as that of the gnomes. Young, servant, soldier. None were spared, even those in the hillside outside the lair.

He was indignant as he followed her back to Gorshire, where the gnomes had returned from Lady Maya's Halls. Beck was more than happy to take the corpses of the wildcats. The serpent shuddered in disbelief at their trusting nature, and was unable to stop himself as she once more started slaying the innocent gnomes.

"Have you no compassion? You ask their help and then slay them! Why?"

The girl turned wide, emerald eyes to him, before she narrowed them and blinked rapidly. With a satisfied smile she reached out, stroking her finger down his arm harmlessly. "And what's it matter to you what I do? Don't you know it's rude to spy on another?"

He curled his fingers tightly against his palms, gritting his teeth as he seethed, "They did nothing to you! They helped you, yet you slay them, over and over again."

Her delicate shoulder rolled up in a shrug as she leaned in and murmured softly, "What I do is my business, but since you're so curious, I do it because I can." As he watched in surprised immobility, she portaled away.

Rage boiled through his blood and he stalked off to the Queen's lair. He knew she'd be there. He'd heard of those with no regard for life, but even his friends chose one side or the other. Without really thinking about it, he concentrated briefly, secreting a venom into his fangs and then bit her.

There was a slight feeling of glee for him as her limbs stiffened and she froze what she was doing. Then, panic returned as somehow, she chuckled again and he saw her eat an herb, her body relaxing as she turned towards him.

"You'll have to do better than that, you incompetent serpent. I've spent my youth learning my cures. While you know the offensive, do you know the cures as well?" He watched, unable to move as she lifted a hand, this time stroking her finger down his arm, and he felt it shrivel to uselessness. She watched, waiting for him to cure and he cursed himself mentally.

He'd never gotten around to buying the basic cures. He was having too much fun watching others reactions to the world. Before he thought to run, she reached out again, leaning forward and down to run her finger up his leg, laughing joyfully as his leg turned as useless as his arm.

"Tsk, tsk you naughty boy. You should never go into a fight unprepared. Your opponent might be a better fighter than you, after all. Now, what fun we'll have." Suddenly, black, inky darkness flowed into the room and he could see nothing. He shivered as the room chilled, slowly growing colder as he froze, his teeth chattering and his eyes crossing.

He could practically feel her gaze in the darkness and he shuddered at the pure evil he felt. He wished he could move and due to his own stupidity he was powerless under her gaze. Fear grew, making him wish to run away, screaming. Yet he couldn't move! He bit his lip in an attempt to not show his growing fear.

He heard her husky chuckle in the darkness and suddenly felt the closeness of the walls, the panic bearing down on him. He had to get out! Away from these ever nearing walls. He wanted to see the light, the sun. Involuntarily he whimpered, begging her softly to stop, to give him peace.

He felt her draw nearer, her breath on his cheek as she asked quietly, "You wish peace, then?" He nodded vehemently, tired of the fear, the inability to act on it. He felt her gaze again, and then felt his blood pouring down his skin. He felt himself weakening as he lost this life source, wishing he had even the ability to sink to the floor but he couldn't move.

He shuddered as he felt her hand, as tender as a lover's caress, run down his back, and he could feel his flesh decaying beneath her hands. He closed his eyes, not fighting her, only wanting release from the afflictions she'd put upon him. He felt his body collapse as she took the life from him, and floated as a soul in the darkness.

She gazed once up at him, her malicious smile returning before she plunged her hand into his chest, pulling out his heart. Bringing it to her lips, she devoured it, it's essence making her stand taller, straighter. Licking her lips clean of the blood, she turned away, saying softly, her voice mocking, "I hope you had as much fun as I did."

Despairingly he gave his soul to Lady Maya, praying fervently for salvation. His last thought before he saw Her Halls was that he'd never underestimate a fellow adventurer again. Even those his own age could be far stronger than he, and far more knowledgeable.