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By: Julya Posted on: April 24, 2005

Walking slowly up the path, the adventurer is wary to the level of being paranoid. He's been here before. That had been a mistake. It was about a year back and it was a scar in his memory. Being jumped by three mountain lions was rather painful and deadly to the best of adventurers. Not one had he beaten that day. Lost all the gold he'd forgotten to put away and Lord Sarapis had had a visitor that day.

The path is overgrown by weeds, no matter what those forestals call it. He'd early on in life decided to ignore those plants. Of course you need herbs. He even had a steady supplier of them. But let those forestals be bothered by them wherever they walked. A sound...

Stopping in his tracks the adventurers breath stops as well.


Slowly he starts breathing again. Flexing his fingers on the hilt of his sword he slowly scans the area. Nothing stirred. That in itself is reason for concern. But he decides to listen more carefully and carry on. "Standing still stagnates progress" his dad used to say.

A glint catches his eye. On the floor a small glistening pebble beckons him. He scoops it up and examines it. At first sight it is just a pebble. Maybe some random quest-item the adventurer thinks. Better take it along. Someone might pop up to give him riches for a silly glistening pebble. The adventurer proceeds to the north unawares of the opening that has formed in the east.


A small bell tingles in the background. The hooded figure lifts up his head and orientates on where the bell rang. More accurately, what sound the bell made.

Walking over to a large ball he makes an arcane gesture in the air and the ball flares to light. "Not good." "This is way too early."

Having just initiated the new area Lord Sarapis had deemed it almost ready for introducing it into the world. Now some hapless adventurer stumbles over the test trigger that was left in the realm. It was time for quick action.

Hurriedly the hooded figure paces quickly over to the large loom in the back room. "Stop, please stop weaving dear." The Celani operating it stops the loom and puts the weave in a neutral position.

Taking hold of the weave Lord Sarapis cuts off the shuttle. Quickly unweaving a small portion of the fabric he cuts it off and throws it to a humgii in the corner of the room who catches it nimbly in its mouth, swallows and lets out a ear-splitting belch.

The Celani hurries over to the shuttle and with deft fingers ties it back in place and throws it through the weave.

Within a single moment the loom is back in operation.

Lord Sarapis walks back to the ball and examines the world. Nodding curtly he turns back to his workbench. Drawings of fearsome creatures on large scrolls are demanding his attention for now.


The adventurer blinks. That was unexpected. His soul link had been gone for only a moment, but well, it is always disturbing to lose that connection. The adventurer looks around. "Now where was I?" Looking around he again recognises the path.

Walking slowly up the path, the adventurer is wary to the level of being paranoid. He's been here before. That had been a mistake. It was about a year back and it was a scar in his memory. Being jumped by three mountain lions was rather painful and deadly to the best of adventurers.