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By: Tamriel Posted on: March 29, 2005


Flock they do to hear her, this bardic bird of song
And with applause to greet her, she cannot resist for long.
Her notes are merry, her song is sweet, her voice is full of joy
But cross not this feather songster or find she is no toy.

Beware the tune this songbird sings, when shaken is her bough.
No amusement will she grant you, no inspiring aria for thou.
Her epic tales will still you, Her vibrato shake you to the core
Fear her fugues you will soon find, while tremolo drops you to the floor.

You once found advantage, her chorales lifting your soul to soar
But canaries' trill now a raven's caw, for you help they never more.
Her bagatelle sharpens pain, and percussia leaves you kneeling
Her berceuse fatigues you where you stand, while off balance from her reeling.

And as she sings, her fatal songs, her beak shall make you sick.
Venomous jabbing, thrice worth stabbing, cutting to the quick
Then into the trees, hauled with ease, then removed with a shove
You'll fall to the ground, danger inbound, as she grants you death from above.

Worse be all, incur the wraith, this bird's flock and class.
Their song shall be the last you hear, the dreaded funeral mass.
So keep this song in mind, and if cause offense, do mend.
For despite her potent danger, this songbird is always first your friend.

"The Ballad of Heartsfury."

The stars were glittered gems, deep blue was the sky. / The moon was a silvered
saucer, so full and stationed high. / The silent air was cool and crisp, the
wind was at a rest. / There lied a secret garden, a wild untamed garden. /
There waited the loving lad, a locket
clutched to his chest.

For his lover waited he, and hoped she be not late. / Away they planned to flee
and run, long planned they this date. / A home in a far of land, a new life they
would try. / For her suitor would not yield to love, their deep unabated love. /
Silence lost to footstep, his bonny lover he did spy.

They ran with haste together, uniting in loving embrace/ Their lips meeting in
passion, joyful tears ran down her face. / Together the lovers were, as the lad
had always said. / Unnoticed went the suitor, followed her did the suitor /
Scowling at the lovers, his jealousy desired them dead.

Yelling order upon his men, the suitor burst from hiding. / Captured the two
they did, and with rope they set to binding. / Sneer faced with twitching lip,
the suitor drew his blade. / And wordlessly he slashed her throat, viciously he
slashed her throat. / Ending her life with no remorse, for a fatal wound he had

Eyes locked upon her lover, the lass's life bled away. / With it went the poor
lad's love, only hatred left to stay. / His blood was on fire, he vision
clouded red. / Broke free he did of his bindings, tore free away his bindings.
/ Charging full upon the suitor, only one thought within his head.

The suitor's men stepped before him, with axes they would attack. / One sunk
his edge into the lad, striking forth with a sadistic hack./ Unabated by the
wounding or from his loss of blood. / Like a demon he dove upon them, with
unbridled hate upon them. / Their axes striking upon him, as they fought
amongst the mud.

Wrenching free an axe from his body, were a man had lost his hold / The lad set
upon the men, striking with fury unforetold. / No quarter would he give them, no
mercy would they find / Only death would he grant them, only death would receive
them. / For no strike they did could stop him, to damage he was blind.

The men's courage began to fail them, their bravery all but spent. / The lad's
axe preyed upon them, on their deaths he was bent. / To the ground the last man
fell, his face twisted in silent scream. / The suitors froze with terror,
completely paralyzed with terror. /Before him stood a nightmare, worse then any
he could dream.

No place was he not wounded, yet to this he did not yield./ Mortally was he
wounded, still his fury he did wield. / With a scream of unchecked terror, and
eyes filled with fear. / The suitor turned to running, took flight and began
running. / No escape he found in retreating, the lover was to near.

Crying in fearful desperation, the suitor turned and lunged. / His sword had
struck soundly, in the lad's chest the sword had plunged. / Lover's knees
collapsed beneath him, his dreadful charge was swayed. / Suitor's blade has
finally stopped him, thank Divines his sword had stopped him. / The suitor
looked upon him, and prepared to draw his blade.

Before the suitor had time to think, before he could react. / The Lover grabbed
the blade, the suitor could not retract. / The lover screamed into the sky, and
rose this one time more. / And struck deeply did the lover, struck true had the
lover. / The suitor's life yielded to the lover, as they both fell to the floor.

The stars were glittered gems, deep blue was the sky. / The moon was a silvered
saucer, so full and stationed high. / The silent air was cool and crisp, the
wind was at a rest. / Lad crawled to his lover, his tragically fallen lover. /
And there his life released him, his love clasped to his chest.

Bardic Choreographer Tamriel Trefenwyd, The Dancing Dragon