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By: Zarz Posted on: February 26, 2005

For the past year, Mhaldor and Shallam have been at war. Six months ago, one of Shallam's greatest generals, Vizker, was assassinated by three of Mhaldor's strongest warriors. No one survived the encounter, both cities suffering losses of some of their greatest assets.

It was believed that Vizker had a holy blade, capable of cleaving evil entities in a single blow. Upon his death, his blade was given to his Tsol'aa daughter, Virana. Ever since she acquired the blade, it has never left her sight. Be it at her side or resting in her home in Shallam, she has always kept a careful eye on the sword, for it is the only thing left with which she has to remember her father by.

Recently, Virana and a few of city mates were involved in an ambush of a Mhaldorian leader while he was on his way to Ashtan. Through Virana's leadership, they were able to kill their target quickly, and with little injury to themselves. Upon completing their objective, they escaped into the Black Forest.

As they traveled through the Forest towards their home, Virana suddenly heard unusual, yet strangely familiar, noises. She and her close friend, Jiar, a strong Rajamala, went to investigate, leaving the rest of their group to wait for them.

As Virana and Jiar approached the noise, they began to hear blood curdling-screams. Accompanying these screams were the noises of raging fire and roars of thunder. Virana soon spotted a charred corpse on the ground, his life cut short by a bolt of lightning. She made a quick search of the surroundings, when suddenly an enraged male voice shouted out,

"Ambush me!? Don't you Mhaldorians ever think? You attack me three to one and you still lose!"

Virana soon saw the source of the shouting, a Xoran wielding a strange looking staff, which he happened to be pointing straight at a Mhun standing close to him. Jiar suddenly spoke up,

"What do you think is going on, Vir?"

"I'm not sure," Virana whispered back, "but it seems this Xoran is fending off these Mhaldorians, do you think they could have been chasing us?"

Before another word could be said, a bright scintilla of light shot out from the Xoran's staff, puncturing through the Mhun, leaving a horrible smell in the air as he fell lifeless to the ground. Virana and Jiar decided to approach him in order to find out what had happened. As the Xoran saw them, however, he became hostile at once.

"More of you damn Mhaldorians!?" He shouted, raising his staff towards Virana, "I'll kill every last one of you!"

"Wait-- stop!" Virana called back to him, "I--"

The Xoran shouted back in a rage, "Stop!? You started this fight, now come finish it--!"

Before the Xoran could do anything else, he suddenly winced in pain. It was obvious that he had been afflicted with the deadly Voyria venom. Virana rushed to his side, seeing that he was deeply wounded, the venom only making his pain worse. She then gave the Xoran a vial, whispering, "Please... drink this."

As if sensing she was not here to harm him, the Xoran took a drink, suddenly feeling the effects of the venom subside. Giving a weak smile to Virana, the Xoran suddenly collapsed, the intensity of the fight finally getting to him. Virana motioned to Jiar, and the two of them carried the Xoran back to their company, having decided to take him to Shallam with them.


Zev slowly opened his eyes, feeling a strange sense of comfort. As his eyes focused, he found himself staring at a ceiling, he was lying in the most comfortable bed he had ever felt in his entire life.

"Where am I...?" He whispered to himself as he turned his head to the side, he noticed his tail slid limply off the side of the bed, his black scales glimmering as sunlight hit them. He looked around the room, it was a calm and serene place. There was a single window to his right, it was currently covered by heavy drapes, preventing Zev from getting a glimpse of where he was. On the other side of the room was an elegant door, obviously very expensive. "Wherever I am," Zev thought, "These people must be rich."

He then noticed the wall his head was facing towards, and he saw a skillfully painted picture of a strong looking Tsol'aa man wearing a suit of exquisite armor. Standing next to him was a young girl, another Tsol'aa, wearing a beautiful dress that showed off all her best features, she seemed to be the embodiment of what the poets would call beauty. From the picture, the two of them were obviously very happy, joyous smiles on both of their faces. Before Zev could search the room more, the door suddenly opened, and his head snapped to meet it.

A gorgeous young Tsol'aa girl entered as the door quietly swung open. Zev soon recognized that she was the girl from the painting he just saw, though she was not so elegantly dressed, yet he could not help but gape in wonder at her graceful beauty. She gave an elated gasp and a smile as she saw that Zev's eyes were open, and she chirped out,

"You're awake!"

Zev was still gaping like an idiot, her silken voice mesmerizing him even more. He moved his mouth to speak, but he couldn't find any words through his astonishment.

Her silken voice whispered, "Are you hurt? Can't you talk?" She tilted her head at Zev curiously.

Zev managed to clumsily stammer out, "Y-yeah... I'm fine." He tried to sit up in the bed, but his body refused to let him. He fell back with a look of pain on his face as the Tsol'aa girl rushed to his side.

"Are you sure you are alright?" She questioned, her voice obviously filled with concern for the Xoran, "You seem to be-"

"I'll be fine," Zev stated, cutting her off. "I just need to rest a little."

The Tsol'aa walked over to the bed and sat next to Zev. She then laid a hand on his chest, and Zev began to feel soothing light on his skin. He closed his eyes, smiling, and sank back into the bed.

He then whispered, "I'm sorry, where are my manners? My name is Zev T'kai, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Miss...?"

"Virana Inzil." The woman said as her face broke into a smile.

Zev took her hand in his and kissed it gently. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Inzil," He said, smiling.

She blushed slightly and responded, "Nice to meet you as well, Mr. T'kai."


Virana quickly rushed downstairs, rushing to get something for the Xoran in her guest room to eat. He had been unconscious for nearly two days, and she wanted to make sure he was cared for. It was always in her nature to help others, she was truly a valiant Paladin.

She found Jiar waiting downstairs, he had been keeping her company as she worried about the fate of the Xoran she now knew as Zev T'kai. Virana was in quite a hurry, wanting her guest to be taken care of as quickly as possible. Jiar mistook her rushing as panicking, and quickly assessed what was going on.

"Vir, what's wrong?" He asked, concern evident in his voice, "You're rushing about."

Virana answered excitedly, "He's awake, he's awake! Quick, get him something to eat!"

"That Xoran?" Jiar responded, "you left him up there alone?"

Virana nodded her head affirmatively as she rushed about.

"What? You have no idea who that guy is! You can't just leave him alone in your house, you should keep a close eye on him at all times!"

Virana shook her head. "No," she responded simply, "He could barely move, I doubt he would be much of a threat, assuming he is aggressive."

Jiar was getting upset. "I'll go keep an eye on him then, take all the time you need down here."

"Jiar-!" Virana called, but he had already rushed up the stairs.


Zev was surprised as the door to the room violently swung open. He turned his head to see what was happening as an extremely large white-haired Rajamala stormed into the room, glaring darkly at him, holding an axe by his side. If Zev were not already paralyzed by his pain, then he would most assuredly be paralyzed with fear at this moment.

The Rajamala soon spoke. "Who are you?" He asked angrily.

"I'm Zev, and who are you?"

"My name is Jiar, not that it matters to you. I do not trust you, Zev, and I am here to make sure that you don't try anything funny."

Zev laughed at the absurdity. "I would like to think I'm smarter than that," he chuckled, "Or that I was in a good enough condition."

Jiar remained motionless, and didn't say anything, his hand was hovering dangerously close to his axe.

"I have no idea where I even am, Mr. Jiar," Zev stated, "Do you really think I'd be dumb enough to 'try something'?"

Jiar glared at Zev darkly, "I have no idea how intelligent you are, all I know is you were foolish enough to fight three Mhaldorians all by yourself."

Zev sighed. "I did not choose to fight them, I was ambushed. There was no way I could escape from all three of them, and if I had to go down, I'd rather go down fighting."

"Yet you still won," Jiar said coldly, "Even though you were ambushed. You must be extremely powerful to win against odds like that. How do I know you won't use that power to harm Virana?"

"What reasons have I to harm her? She saved my life, after all."

Jiar said nothing, he merely glared at Zev. By now, his hand had clenched the handle of his axe, obviously he was getting angry.

Zev closed his eyes. "I see," He stated plainly, "You love her. I understand why you would rather not see her harmed."

Jiar snarled back, "You know nothing, Xoran. I am happily married, and would never dream of hurting my wife. If you think I love Virana then-"

"Then what?" Zev cut him off, "When did I say you loved her in that way? Perhaps you love her like a sister, perhaps she is just a good friend of yours? It seems to me that you are the one jumping to conclusions here."

"Shut up," Jiar screamed at Zev, "I am tired of listening to your Xoran mouth! All you Xorans are the same, spewing stupid crap from your mouths in a pathetic attempt to seem the least bit intelligent! You think you're being clever, that you're outsmarting me, but you are nothing but a fool!" Jiar's eyes were burning with hatred.

"I take it you dislike Xorans." Zev replied casually.

Jiar grabbed his axe and raised it above his head, screaming, "Say another word, filthy lizard!"


Virana entered the room to the horrific scene of Jiar raising an axe to the wounded Zev.

"What is going on here!?" She demanded to know.

Jiar calmed down a bit, letting his axe fall to his side as he muttered, "I, I don't know what came over me."

Zev was still shocked, "Well, whatever it was I'm glad you decided not to kill me."

Virana walked slowly over to Jiar and whispered, "Perhaps you should leave the room, hun, I don't think you can be trusted around Xorans."

Jiar nodded slowly, turned, and walked slowly out the door, his tail tucked in-between his legs.

"I'm sorry," Virana apologized for Jiar, "He-"

"It's alright," Zev interrupted, "I'm sure he has his reasons. I just wish he would not have such ignorant hatred, it really doesn't benefit anyone."

Virana's voice filled with sadness as she stared at the floor and managed to mutter, "His son was killed by a Xoran, Zev, that's why he hates your race so much."

Zev sighed painfully. "I see." He muttered, "But is that really sufficient reason for him to hate us all?"

Virana shook her head. "Of course not, and I wish he would not hate with such blind rage. It saddens me that he can't believe that not all Xoran are evil monsters."

"It is understandable," Zev said, "His son was taken from him." He looked off to the wall and whispered, almost to himself, "No one should have to bury their own child."

Virana snapped her head up and looked at Zev, asking, "You mean...?"

Zev closed his eyes, his voice trembling with sorrow as painful memories wracked his mind. "Four years ago, when I was twenty, my own son." He stopped, he could barely bear the pain any longer.

Virana whispered, "I'm sorry, please, do not continue if you do not wish to."

Zev closed his eyes and fought back tears as painful memories wracked his mind. He didn't say a word.


The next day, Zev felt much better. While he was still weakened, he was at least able to get out of bed and move around, even if he did have to limp. He was awaked late in the morning from a noise downstairs, he quickly recognized it as the angry voice of Jiar. It was easy to overhear what Jiar was saying, but he couldn't make out anything Virana said. Obviously Jiar was still angry that Zev was here.

Zev slid slowly out of bed, his tail lazily following his slow movements. He limped to the door, his legs still hurting even though they had rested for quite a while. Moving as quietly as possible, Zev opened the door and could easily hear the conversation. Limping slowly around, he found his way to the top of a staircase and waited silently, eavesdropping on Jiar and Virana as they talked about him.

"And you just let him stay here? He could be dangerous to your safety, to the safety of Shallam, you saw how he handled those Mhaldorians in the forest!" Jiar thundered out, his voice filled with anger.

"Jiar, please," Virana whispered back calmly, not wanting to wake Zev, oblivious to the fact he was listening to her, "Where would he go? You saw him yesterday, he could barely move. I will allow him to stay here as long as he needs to, it is my responsibility as a Paladin to look after those that cannot take care of themselves!"

Zev decided to go down the stairs, he had always felt guilty whenever he listened in on others, and his first step caused a loud creak to echo through the house. Virana and Jiar looked up to see him. Virana's face lit up with joy as she saw the Xoran was able to move on his own now, albeit slowly and seemingly painfully. Jiar, however, saw this as making Zev as even more of a threat, and he instinctively moved his hand to hover over his axe.

"You know," Zev stated calmly towards Jiar, "For a married man, you sure seem to spend a lot of time at this woman's house."

Jiar glared at Zev, "My wife is away on important business, fool, and I am worried about my friend. She has a very dangerous and very annoying lizard staying at her home."

"Jiar!" Virana scolded, "Stop this now! Zev has done nothing to you!"

Jiar roared back, "You saw how strong he was when he killed those people! There's no telling what he might do!"

Virana was getting angry with Jiar, and stated as calmly as she could, "Those people he killed were Mhaldorians, our enemy."

Jiar suddenly shut up and hung his head down, muttering, "He could still be dangerous."

Zev decided it was time for him to speak up, "I am of no threat to you. You saved my life, and I am in debt to both of you. You have no need to fear me."

Jiar snapped his head up as Zev spoke and glared straight into the Xoran's eyes. "I do not fear you, filthy lizard. I do not trust you either. Your kind is not meant to be trusted, you are just a bunch of bloodthirsty animals. You disgust me."

Zev looked down and shook his head, "I disgust you? I have not done a thing to you, yet you call me a mindless animal and a filthy lizard. If I am the bloodthirsty one, then why is it you that has threatened to kill me? The amount of sense you are making is minimal, and I see no point in trying to talk you out of your ignorance."

Jiar continued glaring at Zev. Virana noticed that his anger was not going to subside, and spoke up. "Jiar, please, Zev has done nothing to you, yet you give him nothing but hatred and disrespect. If you cannot contain yourself, I am going to have to request that you leave."

Jiar closed his eyes, stating, "Fine, I will calm myself. I am not going to leave you in this house alone with this lizard."

Zev smiled to himself, taking note that he at least excluded the word "filthy" from his description.

Virana flashed Jiar a small smile and muttered, "Thank you."


"This is a nice place." Zev said as he sat down on one of the large, cushioned chairs. The room was indeed a good-looking place, windows on either side of the room allowed sunlight to easily enter and brighten the environment. The floor was covered in a plush rug, making it quite easy for one to relax.

"Thanks," Virana said with a small blush, she had designed it herself.

Jiar stood silently across the room, while he had promised to keep calm, he still did not trust Zev. He would glare darkly at him, and he spoke very little.

Virana and Zev talked throughout the whole day, Jiar rarely saying anything, his mistrust of Zev keeping his lips sealed. Virana learned that Zev's son was four years old when he had been killed in an unfortunate accident on the Prelatorian highway. Zev's wife was also killed in the accident, whose name he would not tell for it pained him to remember. Otherwise, Zev had very little to say about himself, but instead wanted to know more of Virana. Virana told Zev how she desired to one day visit the temple of the Lady Selene. She told Zev about her father, as well. About how he was a great warrior, and how he had a blessed blade. It did not take Zev long to notice the magnificent sword that hung on her wall, the sword of Vizker, her father.

When asked, Virana explained how her father had been killed, but managed to slay his murderers as well. She gazed at the sword, which shined brightly as the moonlight touched it, as she told Zev about how the sword was believed to be blessed. She seemed to forget where she was as she talked about it, she cherished the sword, and it was all she had left to remember her father by.

Zev suddenly remembered the picture he saw when he first awoke.

"So, was that you and your father in that picture?" He suddenly asked.

Virana was a bit surprised at the sudden question. At first, she did not know what he was talking about, and gave Zev a confused look.

"The one in the guestroom." He clarified.

"Oh," She said back, almost to herself, "Yes, that picture was painted two years ago. Before this whole war started."

Zev nodded slowly, "Yes," he stated, "This war is affecting everyone, sometimes very personally." Zev looked over towards Jiar and asked, "I assume that is why your wife is away, something to do with this war?"

Jiar grunted disgustedly. "That is none of your business, lizard."

Zev smirked, "I knew it."

Zev suddenly found himself to be extremely tired, his body was still weary apparently. Jiar insisted that he be escorted upstairs. Couldn't have him stealing anything.


As Jiar walked slowly down the stairs, Virana said, "See? He isn't so bad."

Jiar looked down as he walked, as if he were ashamed of himself. He slowly nodded his head.

Virana smiled and hugged Jiar as he reached the bottom of the stairs. He muttered a soft, "I'm sorry," before turning towards the door, and he slowly started to walk.

"It's alright, Jiar," Virana whispered to him, "As long as you try to rectify your mistake, I'm sure Zev will forgive you, too."

Jiar was angry with himself now. He nodded slowly to acknowledge that he heard Virana, and slowly walked to the door. He was angry that he had hated Xorans for so long, nearly three years, due to the actions of one bad representative. He had seen today that Zev, while still a Xoran, was just another person. He walked slowly to his own home, his head hung low.


Zev was awakened in the middle of the night by a sudden noise. The noise was slight, but Zev had never been a heavy sleeper. Through the darkness, he made out a human shape moving about the room. As his eyes adjusted, he soon saw that it was Virana. He watched her silently, but could not figure out what it was she was doing. He then decided it would be best to simply ask.

"What are you doing?" He whispered.

Virana, startled by the noise, jumped. "Oh," She said, calming down, "It's you."

Zev smiled at her, and whispered again, "Yeah, it's just me, but what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm just looking for something," She answered, "I didn't mean to disturb you."

Zev chuckled, "You seem to have forgotten whose home this is, Virana. Do not worry about disturbing me, as you have helped me so much already."

Virana walked over to the side of his bed, moonlight was shining in through the window. "I didn't mean to wake you is all. You are still weak, you need your rest."

A smile crept onto Zev's face. "I have gotten plenty, do not worry." He reached his hand out and took Virana's hand in his. Virana was startled as she also felt his lizard-like tail wrap gently around her waist, as far as she knew, this was some sign of benevolence, or perhaps affection, and she couldn't help but blush. She didn't know whether or not Zev saw it, the moonlight still shining through the window.

Virana's free hand reached out to grab the tip of Zev's tail as it wrapped itself fully around her. She suddenly felt the urge to sit on the bed as her body was gently tugged upon. Almost unconsciously, she found herself glide gently onto the bed. She soon felt Zev's eyes gazing into hers, and she continued blushing.

Zev whispered, "Thank you, Virana, for taking care of me."

Before Virana had a chance to say anything, Zev drew her closer to him and gave her a long, tender kiss. Virana blushed furiously as her heart started to race. Nothing like this had ever happened to her.

Zev just gazed into her eyes and he allowed his tail to slowly unwrap itself from around her. "Have a goodnight, Virana." He whispered.

She slowly stood up, her cheeks still red, as she whispered back, "You too, Zev." She then slowly walked to the door, but stopped and turned before leaving the room. "We shall talk more tomorrow." She said, and then she took her leave, her face still red.


In the morning, Zev wandered downstairs, meeting Virana who was seated near the window reading a small piece of paper. He smiled as he saw her, "Hey," he said, "Have a good night?"

Virana looked at Zev, but avoided his gaze, she was smiling shyly. "I see you're awake, finally. I do hope you had a pleasant rest."

"About the other night," Zev explained, "I, uh, didn't mean to overstep my bounds."

Virana shook her head. "No, it's alright. I just..." She stopped for a minute, "Are you sure you..."

"Have feelings for you?" Asked Zev. He realized that perhaps it was a hasty decision, having just recently met Virana. But he felt something about her, after having talked with her all the day before, and he knew that he had feelings for her.

Virana nodded her head slowly, she almost felt as if what had happened to her last night was a dream. While she would not admit it before, she also had felt something for Zev the previous day. She was glad he did what he did.

Zev smiled. "Well, I do, and I do hope that you are alright with that."

Virana nodded again, a smile breaking out on her face. She beckoned for Zev to come sit with her.

Zev walked over and joined her in her seat. "What is that you are reading?"

"Oh, it's just a note from Jiar. It seems he has been called to duty, he will be away for at least a month."

Zev nodded slowly, "So I guess he had no choice, then? I'm sure he wouldn't want you to have to be alone with this "filthy lizard."

Virana giggled. She was starting to see that Zev also had a sense of humour.


The next few months seemed to fly by for Virana. She and Zev spent almost all their time together, as he was still recovering from his injuries. Their love for each other only grew as time went on, and exactly two months after they had met, they were engaged.

Zev was not the wealthiest person in the world, nor had he time to find a perfect ring for Virana. What he did give her was a scale off of his own tail, which he seemed to have carefully removed himself. He gave it to Virana to show that he would give her anything, no matter what the cost to him.

However, perhaps out of respect or the fact that Zev thought too highly of Virana to pressure her into anything, they never shared a bed. The whole time they knew each other, and even after they were engaged, Zev would stay in his bed in the guestroom.

About a month after their engagement, Zev was feeling much better. He seemed to have completely recovered from his injuries, thanks to the kindness of Virana. Around this time, Virana also received a letter from Jiar, he was going to be returning home soon.


A few days before Jiar was expected to arrive back, Zev told Virana he had a surprise for her. He led her up to his room, and upon entering she found herself shocked to see a portal standing there.

"Where does it lead?" She asked.

Zev smiled, "You'll see," he whispered, "just come with me."

Zev held Virana tightly as he walked through the portal, and they both soon found themselves standing alone, a lake in front of them, otherwise surrounded by rolling plains and green grass. Looking across the lake, Virana saw a magnificent temple standing there, it was quite possibly the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

"Is that...?" She asked, almost surprised that he had remembered that she had always wanted to come here.

"Lady Selene's Temple," Zev said with a smile, "shall we go inside?"

Virana shook her head. "No, I can't, I..." She suddenly stopped talking, obviously embarrassed about something.

Zev tilted is head at Virana, "What is wrong?" He asked, concern obvious in his voice.

Virana blushed and looked down, whispering, "I can't swim, how am I to cross the lake?"

Though Virana was a Paladin, she was ashamed that she had never learned how to part water. This had always made her angry with herself, as it was something she should be able to do with ease, yet she found it to be too difficult to learn.

She continued looking down, but suddenly felt Zev's arms wrap gently around her, and she heard Zev whisper in her ear, "I can't swim either."

She soon found herself lifting off the ground, hovering gently above it in Zev's arms. Slowly, she glided towards the lake, Zev was embracing her tightly, being extra careful to prevent her from falling. Before she knew it, Virana was on the other side of the lake, standing in the temple. Zev spun her around and kissed her, she was dizzy from the combination of flying and being twirled so suddenly after landing.

The dizziness caused her to fall back, Zev's embrace the only thing keeping her from falling to the floor. Zev gazed into her eyes and whispered, "I remembered how you always wanted to come here."

Virana blushed, she had forgotten that she had ever told Zev. She nodded slowly, gazing back into Zev's eyes.

Zev drew her closer to him, leading her in a slow, swaying dance. His gaze never left her, and he suddenly whispered, "I love you, Virana."

Virana kissed Zev passionately, she was breathless. Soon, the dance came to an end, and Virana felt a strong feeling that she had never felt before. Before she knew it, she found herself on the ground with Zev lying next to her. The feeling persisted as she felt her clothes slide off her back. Her fear that someone would happen to come by was quickly suppressed as she noticed that large walls of ice had formed around her, and she felt at ease as she fully gave herself to Zev.


Virana slowly opened her eyes. She found herself wrapped in Zev's arms, his tail affectionately wrapped around her waist. She smiled to herself as she noticed the walls of ice were still around her, and she nestled gently into Zev's embrace.

Zev slowly opened his eyes, awakened by Virana's subtle movements. He smiled softly at Virana and kissed her gently. "Have a good night?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

Virana blushed and hid her head in Zev's shoulder. She truly had had a great night. She got to enter the temple she had wanted to her whole life, and had also shared a special moment with Zev, one she had never shared with anyone else before. Truly, this would be an unforgettable memory for her. It seemed the more Virana was with Zev, the more dreamlike her life became.

She slowly picked herself up, retrieving her clothing, as she realized they could not stay here forever. The walls of ice were already starting to melt, and Virana knew that if she did not leave now, she was now going to anytime soon. Zev joined her, and they both rose together, their night of passion now behind them.

Virana blushed as she came to realize what she had actually done, and whispered, "Zev, we are not doing this again until we are married."

Zev smiled softly, embraced her, and whispered in her ear, "Anything you say."

Virana nestled into Zev's arms, "We should probably be getting back," she said.

Zev nodded slowly. He then made a series of quick motions, which Virana could not keep up with, but a portal soon opened in the air in front of them. As they stepped through it, they were once again in Virana's home, the guestroom. The elegant painting hanging on the wall, staring back at them.


The next day, a loud knocking on the door awakened Zev. He crawled out of bed to find Jiar downstairs, he had come back. Zev was a bit frightened. He was unsure as to how Jiar would take the news this his friend was now engaged to a "filthy lizard."

Jiar glanced at Zev as he descended down the stairs, calmly stating, "I see you've gotten better."

Zev was shocked. Jiar had managed to keep his calm, to actually say something to Zev rather than yell it at him. "Yeah." He managed to stammer out through his confusion.

Jiar nodded slowly, "I guess you must have a good reason to stick around then, if you're still here."

Zev grinned and nodded, "A very good reason," He stated coolly.

At this time, Virana was descending down the stairs. Jiar then asked, "And what might that reason be?"

Zev turned around and gazed at Virana, "I've met the most beautiful woman you could ever imagine."

Virana blushed, whispering, "Zev, please, Jiar is here..."

Jiar closed his eyes, he seemed to be taking it pretty well. Suddenly, he smiled and asked, "I sure have missed a lot, huh?"

Zev was completely surprised. He had expected Jiar to go crazy and start attacking him, Zev had been secretly preparing to defend himself. He was almost disappointed that Jiar didn't mind it.

Virana smiled and nodded. "I see you have changed a bit, Jiar, are you feeling well?" She giggled happily, happy to see that Jiar had at least learned to control his anger towards the Xorani.

All of them sat down, and to Zev's surprise, had a discussion that didn't involve him being screamed at. It turned out that Jiar had been called to Hashan, he was part of a team that was to attempt to form an alliance with them. Sadly, no alliance was formed, as Hashan could see no benefit from aiding Shallam.

Virana gave a pained sigh, "It seems this war may never end," she whispered sadly.


Over the next month, Jiar and Zev actually became good friends. Virana was glad that Jiar could finally overcome his racist ways, as it had always disturbed her that such a close friend could hate a certain group so much.

One day, however, Virana returned home to find Jiar shouting at Zev like he used to. She listened in on their conversation, trying not to be noticed.

"I know, I know," Zev stammered out, "I-"

"You idiot!" Jiar roared back, "How could you do that!?"

Before Zev could answer, Jiar stormed towards the door. Zev called to him, "Jiar, can I count on you?"

Jiar stopped as he reached the door, and calmly replied, "Yes."

He then stepped out. Virana was standing in the other room, but decided to enter now.

"What was that about?" She asked, her voice filled with concern.

Zev shook his head, "I did something stupid, and Jiar didn't like it, it's fine."

Virana embraced Zev lovingly, "If you say so," She whispered.


The next day, Zev had another surprise for Virana. "Do you remember where we met?" He asked her.

Virana nodded, "Of course, though it was not the most romantic meeting."

Zev nodded in agreement. "I know, I was hoping perhaps to take you there, maybe we could make some good memories."

Virana smiled at Zev, then nodded that she would love to go.

"Wait here," Zev said, as they both walked towards the door, "There is something I forgot, I'll meet you at the gates."

Zev then dashed off to the other room, and Virana walked slowly to the gates of the city. She did not wait long before she saw Zev coming down the familiar streets, and they headed towards the Black Forest together.

In what seemed like a short time, they had arrived. Shortly, Virana found herself in the exact spot her and Zev had met in this forest, only four months ago. It was a beautiful place, now that Virana could see the area unscarred by recent fighting.

She and Zev stood here, taking in the unspoiled beauty, when Zev suddenly whispered,

"I love you. I'm sorry."

Virana was confused, "Sorry for what?" She whispered back.


As if on cue, the forest around her started to feel sinister and evil. She felt a chill run down her spine as a Xoran clad in heavy armor descended from the treetops, right in front of her and Zev. Looking around, she noticed that she and Zev were surrounded by at least six others, each of them carrying a sinister looking bow. She started to shiver.

"What's going on?" She asked, trembling.

Zev looked down, "I'm so sorry," he sadly said.

The armored Xoran, whom Virana assumed to be their leader, spoke up. "Nice work, Zev, you've always been the best."

"Shut up, Ducet," Zev snarled at him, "I've done what you wanted, now let me go."

Ducet laughed, "Not quite, you still have yet to give the sword to me."

Zev growled angrily, then slowly reached into his cloak and pulled out a sword. It was the sword of Virana's father.

"So that-" Virana whispered.

"I'm sorry," Zev cut her off, then looked back down at the ground.

Ducet inspected the sword carefully, and when he was finished probing, decided that it was acceptable. "Excellent," he said, smiling, "Mhaldor appreciates the work you've done, Zev, you will be receiving compensation soon."

Virana started to cry. How could Zev do this to her? Was it all an act? Did he really love her? She couldn't believe it. She had agreed to marry Zev, and this is all he was after? She had given Zev her body, and he had planned to betray her the whole time? Virana's crying only intensified as she thought of this.

Ducet's face was suddenly given a sinister smile. "You've also brought this young lady, a Shallamite," He raised the sword threateningly, "Perhaps I can test my new sword on her."

Virana looked down and continued to cry. She did not care that she was about to die, Zev had betrayed her, she had nothing left to live for. She slowly closed her eyes and prepared for the blade to cut into her, the thin strap of her dress the only protection being offered.


Virana heard a sickening crunch. "Was that it?" She thought, "I did not feel a thing." Suddenly, she felt a familiar sensation around her waist, she opened her eyes slowly, tears clouding her vision, and saw Zev's tail wrapped protectively around her. She snapped her head up to see a horrific sight. Her father's blade was sunk into Zev's shoulder, Ducet gripping the handle tightly.

"That wasn't part of the deal," Zev stated, "You let her go. Now."

Ducet laughed evilly, "You are in no position, Zev. I am Mhaldorian, she is Shallamese. We are at war. It is proper for me to kill her, now stand out of the way or I shall slay you as well."

As Ducet said this, the soldiers surrounding Zev raised their bows and pointed them straight for him, waiting for but a signal from Ducet to fire.

Zev raised his arm to his side, the pain from the sword in his shoulder causing him to cringe, and uttered, "Try it." As this was said, a staff appeared in Zev's hand. He was prepared to fight. Using his tail, he threw Virana to the ground, wanting to keep her out of the fight. This was between Zev and Ducet.

Suddenly, a strange noise was heard. A swooshing noise, as if something had been thrown. Virana stayed on the ground, and was confused as she heard a sickening crunch and Ducet's face was overtaken with horror. He fell to his knees, dropping the sword to his side, a blank stare on his face. There was an axe sticking out of his back.

"You know, Jiar," Zev called, "Your old mindset wasn't completely wrong. Some Xoran are scum."

Virana gasped to herself as she realized that the axe in Ducet's back had been thrown by Jiar. She saw him come rushing near them from out of the forest.

The archers surrounding Zev wasted little time, their bows already raised, and fired straight at Zev. Their efforts were useless, as walls of ice formed quickly around Zev and blocked the arrows from touching him. Suddenly, as the archers quickly drew more arrows and readied their bows, the sky above grew dark.

As the walls of ice melted, everyone could see Zev clearly, his hands raised into the air. "Run away." Is all he said. He paused for a moment, seeing that the archers would not obey his command, and then he decided to end it.

His arms suddenly were wreathed in energy, and before the archers, one of them had the unfortunate luck of being chosen to be Zev's target. Lightning bolts streaked out from Zev's arms as they went flying painfully into the first archer, sending him flying back a few good feet, his body twitching a bit as his life faded. The lightning did not stop there, it ricocheted off, slamming into two other archers, causing them to drop to their knees in pain.

One of these archers felt a sinister shadow looming over him. As he looked, the shadow raised its hand, which seemed to hold an axe, and held it there for a moment. He heard a frightening voice growl out, "Mhaldorian scum," as the hand came down quickly. He felt a sharp pain in his neck, but it was soon over, as his head fell from his shoulders.

Virana was still on the ground. She watched with amazement as Zev and Jiar managed to completely destroy the remaining archers, Zev using his newly created staff to continue striking their assailants with bolts of lightning as Jiar continued to use his axe to end their lives.


As the final archer fell, Zev walked over to Virana. While she was no longer crying, her face was still wet with tears. He leaned in and kissed her, whispering, "I love you."

Virana embraced him tightly. "So you were just hired," she stammered out, "to steal that sword?"

Zev closed his eyes, "Yes," he answered, "that is what I was supposed to do. But Virana-"

She cut him off, "But you fell in love?"

Zev nodded his head. "I had no choice, they had been watching me the whole time. They threatened to kill you, I had to take it to save your life. I was going to give it to them and hope they would just leave us alone, but," he paused, now looking around at the six bodies that lay around them, and Ducet still on his knees, his life had not left him yet.

"But that didn't happen." Virana said, tightening her embrace around Zev, tears filled her eyes once again, only this time they were tears of joy. Zev truly did love her.

Zev helped Virana to her feet, and glared at Ducet. "If only you had left me alone," he said, "I would not have to kill you."

Zev nodded his head at Jiar, who walked behind Ducet, and raised his axe. "Goodbye." Zev said coldly.


"I do," Virana said, her voice filled with pure joy. It was exactly one year after the incident with Ducet, on Virana and Zev's wedding day. Zev seemed to have gotten his wish of being left alone, as he did not have any more trouble for the entire year. His only concern was giving Virana a perfect wedding.

The wedding was held in Lady Selene's temple. Virana had such fond memories, she decided she wanted to be eternally joined with her love here. The wedding was a small one, with only a few members of Virana's family attending, along with Jiar, who happened to be the best man, and his wife. It was the best day of Virana's life.