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By: Antonius Posted on: January 09, 2005

The young man feebly swung his sword at the lycopod as he struggled to free himself from the vines wrapped around him. Another lycopod's head burst toward him, biting into his shoulder. The man closed his eyes, gritting his teeth, struggling to block out the pain. His head was spinning, he felt sick to his stomach, he'd been close to death before, but this was the closest, and he was scared. Terrified.

He swung his sword one last time, and connected with something. He didn't know what, but he hoped it was one of the lycopods. He began to succumb to the darkness…


He struggled to open his eyes, fighting off the darkness that had swarmed his mind. The lycopod's grip on his shoulder lessened, and its head fell to the floor. Its thin, vine-like neck severed by an arrow that now stuck quivering in the ground near to his feet.

As the man regained his senses, he could hear the thunder of hooves. He looked around, but could see nothing. The sound of the hooves got louder, and a deafening neigh came to his ears as a huge, snow-white horse rounded a corner. The man stared at it as it thundered towards him. The horse slowed, before stopping a few feet away from him, stamping the ground impatiently.

The man looked at it in amazement. It stood nearly twice as tall as any other horse he had seen, and despite its great stature filled him with comfort, rather than fear. Its coat was the purest white, its long silvery mane and tail plaited. Light seemed to emanate from it, and its hooves crackled with shimmering, golden flames. Then the man looked up, and saw for the first time the rider of the horse.

The Knight, for he was clearly a Knight, was clad in the most magnificent suit of full plate armour. Forged from the purest platinum, it too seemed to radiate light. A Warhawk had been emblazoned on the chestplate with Mithril. It covered the Knight's entire body, but he did not wear a helm. A Rajamala, the man could tell it from the Knight's light brown fur. His flowing, tiger-like mane had been pulled back behind his head, and braided. The Knight wore a dark red cloak, that trailed behind him on his horse. Two jewel-encrusted scabbards hang from his belt, engraved with runes in a language the man could not decipher. The Knight looked down at the man from his seat of power upon his steed, and smiled.

"I thought I'd find you here. Playing with the lycopods again, eh?" he said, his voice was rough, more growled than said. But somewhere there was kindness in his words.

The man finally stood, still staring at the Knight in amazement.

"Y… You were looking for me?" the man managed to stammer.

A wry grin crossed the Knight's face.

"Aye, why else would I venture into this Light-forsaken place? Sartan's Isle is no place to wander, lad." he replied. "Listen closely to what I have to say. You have been chosen to walk the path of a Paladin. It will not be easy, but if you are willing, I will take you as my Squire and teach you everything you need to know."

The man stood there, amazed. The Knight looked away from him, his head cocked slightly to one side, listening for something.

"What is it?" the man asked, confused.

The Knight put his fingers to his lips, and let out a shrill whistle. A soft screech was heard, and a magnificent falcon flapped in, and perched on the Knight's shoulder. Its eyes studied the man, wicked talons gleaming, platinum feathers reflecting the light that emanated from the Knight's armour.

The Knight finally turned his attention to the man, and answered, "Some one is coming. Mhaldorians, most likely. They dislike my presence here, maybe more than I dislike being forced to be here."

The man shuddered. He had heard tales of the citizens of Mhaldor. Tales of murder, deceit, robbery and slavery. Tales he wished were not true, but somewhere in his mind knew were. He looked at the Knight, his concerns evident upon his face. If they were to be captured, they would not be treated with any kindness.

The sounds of marching finally reached the mans ears, close. Too close. Voices hailed them, but he did not understand what they said.

The Knight replied. "Speak in a language the boy understands, if you wish to address him."

The leader of this new group nodded at the Knight, then addressed the man. "Why do you venture onto Our Lord's Island? You are not welcome here, as His lycopods have likely already shown you."

The man opened his mouth to respond, but found himself unable to respond. The leader of the group nodded, and turned to the Knight, sweeping back his dark cloak to reveal blackened armour. Veins of dark red ran through it, pulsing with an Unholy light.

"As for you, Paladin. You are not welcome here, as I have told you before."

The Knight smirked, before replying, "And as I have told you before, this is not your land to control. I will enter it when the need arises, and remain here as long as I please. Now, unless you have anything else you wish to add, I was speaking with the young man."

The Dark Knight frowned, evidently not pleased by this response. Reaching inside his cloak, he drew forth two longswords, the blades black as night. The Knight snorted, and stepped from his horse. The falcon perched upon his shoulder lifted off, and landed next to him. The Dark Knight took a few steps forward, and raised one sword above his head to strike the man.

"Cease, or fall." the Knight commanded, the growl in his voice deeper than before.

The Dark Knight turned, and advanced upon him. The Knight drew his swords, and the Dark Knight stopped. The others assembled let out a slight gasp. The swords the Knight wielded were massive. Easily longer than the Dark Knight's longswords, they were also far broaded. The hilts were formed from platinum, in the form of a magnificent dragon; its outstretched wings forming the crossbar of the sword, its tail wrapped around a shimmering ruby pommel stone. The blades were wrought from Mithril, and shone brightly in the Knight's grasp.

"I'll not tell you again." the Knight said.

The Dark Knight swung, but the Knight dodged easily out of the way. Bringing his right hand up, he swung the sword down at the Dark Knight's head, who parried the blow with his own sword, but failed to notice the sword being driven straight towards his gut. It struck him, piercing his armour, and burying into his flesh.

The Dark Knight stiffened, looking around shocked as the curare venom took effect. Paralysed, he was defenceless as the Knight swung both his swords at him, striking his left leg, and mutilating the bone and flesh. The Dark Knight's arms fell to his sides, his longswords clattering to the floor as the bones shrivelled. The Knight stepped back, smoothly sliding his weapons into their sheaths. He glared at the Dark Knight, who looked on horrified at the flickering dark flames in the Knight's eyes. The man wondered what it was, but would later discover it to be Hellsight.

The Knight turned his attention to the Dark Knight's companions, who stood shocked, scared by the ease at which their master had been bested.

"As for you. You will return to Mhaldor, and inform them that I will not be told where I may or may not travel. I will stay out of your city, but I will venture onto this island when I wish to." he said, signalling for them to leave. They quickly rushed off in the direction they had come from.

The Knight dropped to his knees, his head bowed; whispering something the man could barely hear, and not understand. The man felt a weight lift from him, as if the minor afflictions that had plagued him had been lifted.

"When you are healed, you too will return to Mhaldor. I advise you to remember well what happened this day, as it may keep you alive in the future." the Knight said. Then, turning to the man, "Come. We must return to Shallam and begin your training. Follow me."

He vaulted onto his steed, and concentrated for a moment; sending a message over the Holy Church's telepathic channel. The Knight grasped the man by the shoulders, and stepped to his left. The world span around them and the man looked around, amazed to find himself within Shallam.

"What was that?" he asked the Knight.

"You'll find out when you are ready. Come."

The Knight turned his steed west, and began to navigate the streets of Shallam, his new Squire following behind the best he could.