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By: Dortheron Posted on: September 30, 2013

A large log lays in the hearth, flames licking up the sides and illuminating the stout room. Casting shadows from the escaping light, a large boar's head guards the hearth, ecalith-like in its monstrosity. The mounted head stares at an ancient portrait of a weathered old man that hangs across the room. A large round table fills the room and takes up most of the space, its surface covered with maps and battle plans while little stone figures of soldiers and riders act as weights. Shards of moonlight dance aroundon the table through the figure of a large man gazing out the small window onto the graveyard below.

A door opens and several people shuffle in, most sitting down at some hefty chairs around the table, leaving the most elegant chair nearest to the window open. An old robed man starts to lighting candles around the table before standing near the doorway as the rest of the men sit quietly and wait for the man at the window. As they settle down one of the men, clad in shining armour and a blue cape, says "We are ready to begin when you are, My Duke".

Duke Semiro turns, his strong jaw and grey beard brightened by the candles as he walks away from the window. He sits down on the open chair, moving his bearskin cloak out of the way. He casts his eyes around the room and then fixes his gaze on the armoured man. "Report, Captain".

"My lord," he begins "we have recieved messages from Thornwall that their scouts have seen strangers traveling down the Mnemosyne river and Grukai swamp. The report claims that these are not bandits or soldiers, but rather individuals or pairs of various kinds of men and women. The report says that they have various amounts and quality of weapon and armours, and that even and a few giant scaled beats of unusual intelligence walk among them." As the Captain starts to read out details of the report everyone remains quiet, but worrying looks soon appear on all faces.

After a few minutes, the Duke holds up a hand and the Captain stops. "I've heard enough, get on with it."

The Captain nods and continues "Thornwall has decided that while they will continue to patrol the highway, they will close their gates to all strangers incase this is the beginning of a threat. Given the unknown nature of these people, they will take no chances until more information can be gathered. I would like for us to do the same, my Duke."

The table bursts into chatter, everyone but the Duke voicing their ideas and thoughts on the matter. Duke Semiro waits for a few moments and lets the excitement of the people calm down. "Steward, do we have enough supplies to last us if this turns into a seige?" he calls out to the robed man at the door. The steward nods his head briskly and answers his lord "We have enough fresh and preserved food to last us several years. Our well inside the Fortess is working and...clean." He frowns as he stumbles over the last few words but nobody notices it in their worry.

"My Duke," Chancellor Ashem begins, his jowls bouncing as he talks quickly "If we close our gates, then we will have serious problems. Not only will trade with both Thornwall, Aster, and us will die, but we will also lose access to the salt mines, which not only provides needed salt but would also severly restrict any income we would gain once trade resumed." He leans back and softly pants to regain his breath.

Just as Ashem tries to speak again, a knock at the door silences him. The steward opens it and gets handed a bound scroll from a knight, reporting that it just arrived from a messanger from Aster Keep. The old man closes the door and softly shuffles over to the Duke, handing him the scroll with slightly shaking hands and then returns to his post by the door. The Duke breaks the seal on the scroll and quickly reads it.

"Aster Keep reports similar sightings of strangers in the Atrousian Jungles and highways, having seen them as near as Luman. They are following in Thornwalls steps and closing their keep while continuing to patrol the highway." he says in a deep, but strong voice. The only sounds is the crackling of burning wood and soft breathing as the news sinks in.

"My Lord, what if this isn't an attack, but an opportunity?" a nobleman calls out, fingering a ruby on his golden ring mindlessly.

The Duke straightens his moustache and replies "Explain, Jadorno."

The man smiles, re-arranging his cloak around his body as he begins "With the amount of people and the variety of their equipment and their movements, they don't seem like soldiers or scouts, but individuals. And given that we have never seen their kind and that they seem to originate from the Vasnari Mountains or beyond, they must either have found a safe path to travel or to have the strength to survive the monsters." He pauses, waiting for everyone to see his point before moving on. "If either or both statements are true, then that means they can be a source of not only information, but power."

"But this could easily be a trap, the bait to snag us before we get reeled in!" exclaims the Captain. Jadorno sneers at the Captain, and the two begins to bicker.

In the noise, Duke Semiro turns to his right and asks a simply clad Tsol'aa "What do you think, Father Halohan?"

Halohan ponders for a bit, listening to the two men bicker before replying "Both have good points, but only you can decide what is best."

The Duke closes his eyes briefly and then looks at both men, the Captain on the end of the table beneath the portrait, the nobleman across from him beneath the boar. One fortifies to survive, the other charges. He knows what he will do.

As the bickering slows Duke Semiro stands up, his hand straddling the handle of his mace as it hangs from his belt. "My ancestor, Theotokos Arrikale defended his people with not only blades and arrows, but by building and defending this bastion. But that is not always the path we should take. That boar that hangs over this hearth survived by charging down those who challeneged it, even until my grandfather lost six men by bringing it down."

He turns away from the group to stare down into the graves once more as he continues "We will not huddle behind walls, afraid of what might happen, but neither can we be lax. Too many have died and too many still live for us to chose either path completely. Captain, double the guard and be on alert at all times. And send out my private guard to patrol the highways" The Captain nods his head and charges out of the room, his barking orders sounding back into the room.

"Siccoro Keep will remain open. Dismissed." Everyone filters out of the room leaving the Duke alone, preparing to follow their lords orders.

The Duke, strong and proud, bows his head and prays. "May the Gods have mercy on my people if I am wrong...."