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By: Semfir Posted on: July 28, 2004

Miraman 6

Today, I met this most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Alright, she's a siren, and should be beautiful by birthright. But this siren - I don't know her name yet - is without any doubt the epitome of beauty. I've seen a lot of sirens, and know quite a few, but not a single one of them can compare to her.

I saw her wandering in the forest, right by my grove, and she seemed a bit lost. I was just about to jump down from the tree I was sitting in, when a lady friend of hers showed up. Her, I did recognise. It was a druid, called Surii. As a druid, she's not very much pro-nature. Pro-profit would fit a lot better as a one-word description of her. Anyway, my shyness set in, and I didn't dare approaching this angel.

Miraman 8

The lovely lady I met two days ago showed up again, and this time, there were no annoying Surii nearby. I was sitting up in my favourite tree, daydreaming as usual, when I heard an unknown voice calling for me. The voice was so clear and soulful that I couldn't imagine it belonging to someone other than the stunning siren. I was right.

I'm not sure if it was lovelier or not with the mischievous playfulness in her voice when she shouted, "Hey, birdman!"

Then she waved at me to come down, once she saw that I noticed her. I jumped down and glided through the air and landed right in front of her.

"What can I do for you?" I asked her.

In reply, she giggled before giving a verbal answer. "Umm... You see..." she began uncertainly and blushed lightly. That made me melt inside. I'm usually not a social person, but that just broke all dams and I was left completely at her mercy. "I need to go to Hashan and buy me some food, but I'm a bit lost as to where Hashan is from here."

"Well, the closest way would be across the river, and..." I stopped there, something in my mind yelling at me to take the opportunity. "I think it would be better that I just show you the way."

That, I hoped, was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, and more, how cliché it may sound. This day is the happiest I've had in a long time. There's only one downside to it - I forget to ask about her name. Well, it's an easy matter to fix.

Miraman 10

The lady occupying my thoughts and dreams has not been seen the last few days. I suppose that's just my typical luck. The moment something seems to go right, something happens - or as in this case, fails to happen - that makes everything go back to my dull, tired what-passes-for life. And now I've fallen behind in all my work. Harvesting, selling herbs and buying supplies. Sigh.

Miraman 12

I forgot what I was supposed to buy today, or to look for at all, but it was all worth it. You see, this afternoon, after I managed to sell the bare minimum of herbs to earn enough money to get by with, I met Her again.

Telling her I was about to go back to my grove since I had nothing to do anyway, I offered to help her with her shopping. Again, I forgot to ask about her name, but I did find out quite a few things about her during our short shopping trip. Well, it wasn't short, really. Quite long, in fact, but it felt like it was after in only a few minutes. She's new in this part of Sapience, and she's seeking entrance to one of the forestal guilds. I'm not going to try to make her follow what I want, since I don't want her to make a decision she might end up regretting, especially if it's because of me. I also found out that she's from Mhaldor originally, and has lived there all her life. That's why she's drawn to Ithmia, and nature in general - it's a new concept for her. But no matter where you are from, fleeing your city of birth can never be easy; I should know, since my mom is from Mhaldor and went back after coming here to the forest. She seemed to take it well, though, even if I noted a few sorrowful expressions wash over her otherwise serene face. Coming out in the beautiful nature does a lot of good to a person, so I have faith that she'll handle it well. And if not, I can always help her.

Miraman 13

The lady's got a name! And it's a lovely name as well. It's "Silmia." Other than finding out her name, the most wondrous thing happened. She asked me out for dinner! So, in two days, I'll be having a date with the most perfect woman known to mortalkind. Apparently, Surii felt bad about her, being new to the region and all alone, so she gave her a treat for two at a small restaurant in Hashan. She could pick up any guy she wanted, and she picked me! I couldn't be happier! I'd probably have accepted just cause it was Surii who's paying for it, but now, it's only something of a topping on a cake.

Miraman 15

Can my life get any better at this point? Our date was a complete success! It only ended with a hug and a peck on the cheek, but we're definitely going to see more of each other.

It was a candle lit dinner with this perfectly soothing yet romantically spurning music in the background, followed by a stroll through the forest with the moonlight gently illuminating her porcelain face. And that was just the setting. During all that, we talked, and we talked a lot. Not about shallow stuff, like the weather, which guilds she could join and such, but about deeper, personal stuff, like large parts of our personal history and a bit about what our goals in life are. She wishes to serve nature she so long has missed, to put it into once sentence. It's an admirable path to take, one I follow myself. There were a lot of other things we had in common, like hobbies, favourite meals and even designers, but what made it really great was that there are also things we disagree with, something I think is really important to have as well, as it would be very boring otherwise.

Miraman 18

Second date, second wonderful time. I'm exhausted right now, so I'll keep this short. We went to Delos and listened to a musical number performed by the Bards. After that we had a bit to eat, something I bought as a late picnic lunch. Finally, we took a long walk, which is why I'm so tired. Good night; I'll sleep like a baby.

Miraman 23

Today, I declare myself and Silmia officially a couple. Why? Today was the first time we kissed. All I can think of is the taste and feel of her soft, sweet lips. It reminds me of something a kind priestess once said, whose name eludes me: "No one's perfect, until you fall in love." Well, if that's the definition of love, I fell at the first sight of my angel.

Miraman 25

It seems like Surii isn't as bad as I thought she was. I was in Hashan, trying to sell a few herbs, when she and Silmia showed up. My girlfriend easily convinces me to join them, and I got to talk with Surii a lot. I'm not sure where I got my earlier perception of her, since pretty much anything I thought about her proved to be false. Well, she is kind of greedy, but she does seem to put nature first. It's probably her slightly anti-social personality that threw me off before.

Scarlatan 5

Silmia wanted to play matchmaker with Surii and another guy she met, named Gimbaal. It didn't turn out too well, despite that he was a really nice guy. Surii felt uncomfortable, or at least acted that way, and Gimbaal ended up speaking mostly with Silmia and me. All in all, I felt really bad for Surii, since she must've felt like the odd one out, despite our even number. And if I'm not completely mistaken, her friendship with Silmia was damaged, but not beyond repair. It feels odd for me to be closer to her than my girlfriend.

Scarlatan 10

I was supposed to go on a date with Silmia today, but instead, Surii showed up. She told me Silmia had to go away for an emergency meeting with something, but I'm not sure what it was. Surii said it was some sort of personal project, as far as she knew. Well, we actually had fun, though I did, and still do, miss my angel.

Scarlatan 16

I haven't seen or heard from Silmia in several days now, and I'm getting worried that something has happened to her. We haven't had anything planned, but we usually talk everyday anyway.

Scarlatan 19

Bad news. Really bad news. I heard something from Surii this afternoon. Apparently, Silmia can't see me anymore, but she didn't give a reason. Well, I trust her enough to believe the reason is good, though I think she should've told me personally.

I feel kind of strange. I know I should feel very sad about this, but I only feel a little blue, and very numb. I think it just haven't gotten through my brain yet.

Scarlatan 20

My world has gone under. I'm mad, I'm sad, I'm betrayed and I'm furious enough to kill that girl. Some angel she turned out to be. Pah. She better not show her face again, for I don't know what I'd do to her. Probably something I'd end up regretting. But... she'd deserve it. The lying, backstabbing, manipulative bitch.

It was just an hour ago I saw her. Saw her with Gimbaal. They were talking. At first. Then they kissed. And not just a friendly one either, but one of those passionate ones which has made me melt several times before. And now... Argh. The "double date" we had earlier (this month) makes perfect sense now. Bah. I'm going to stop now, and try to calm down.

Scarlatan 21

Alright, all bets are off. What she just did is... incomprehensible in my mind. Surii gave me a message from Silmia, and she asked for forgiveness, and wanted to meet me. Forgiveness! Ha! That's the last thing she'll get for ruining what was left of my life. She'll live to regret this. No... no, she doesn't even deserve that. She'll die tomorrow. Yes, yes, she won't live past tomorrow. Question is, how? Beheading? Too fast. Stabbing? Too crude. Holocaust? Nah, I want to kill her in the forest. Ah! I know! I know just the thing for her. Heh, couldn't be simpler.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Putting down his quill pen and closing his journal, Niertic walked over to where his small stash of gold was and filled his coat pocket with enough sovereigns to buy what he needed. Knowing Surii would be in the city at this time, selling herbs and refilling potions, he headed there first to give her a message to show Silmia, since he didn't want to speak with her personally. He knew his self control would be put to its limit, and he didn't want to risk that just yet.

As predicted, Surii was at her usual place in Hashan, busy with a few costumers. Not wanting to speak with the druidess more than necessary, he quickly strode around the small crowd and gave her the piece of paper he had written where and when he wanted to meet Silmia.

"Give this to Silmia as soon as you can."

But Surii didn't let him get away that easily. Just as Niertic turned from her, she grabbed his arm. "Why don't you just wait here for half an hour, at most, as Silmia promised to stop by soon?"

"Err...No, I can't. I have to... I've got some stuff I need to do now. It's urgent."

"Oh, alright. I'll give this to her then."

Without another word, Niertic made a quick exit. At a high pace, he almost scurried through much of the city, to lessen the risk of running into the lady he wished to meet at dusk. Finding what he needed, he went home to prepare for the small event he planned on taking place in a few hours from that point.

With a gentle, small stream flowing into the large Zaphar river, the place Niertic had chosen was as lovely as he thought Silmia was, or at least as he once believed. How fitting it was that she was to meet the end of her life in such a place. Suspecting nothing was wrong, Silmia sat on the small patch of grass in between the rocks and trees, wearing a flowery and flowing sun dress. While there weren't that many flowers in the area, fragrant aromas were abundant, and with the forest being alive with sounds, like the rustling of leaves and the trilling serenades performed by the numerous birds, it almost seemed like a piece of the Garden for mortals.

Not wanting to disappoint the lady just yet, Niertic showed up readily with a picnic basket clutched in one hand and a small bag of supplies in the other. Greeting her with a smile, he immediately sat down on his knees next to her and put down what he was carrying. A few seconds after, he had pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses, which he filled with the red liquid as Silmia held them. Busying himself with lighting a fire with the equipment he brought, he motioned for her to taste the wine. She took a small sip, and that caused Niertic to react.

"Take a larger sip," Niertic suggested with as little urging he could muster. "You need to drink more than that to feel the taste."

Smiling and nodding slightly, she complied, not wanting to upset him more. No matter how well he hid it, she knew he was far from as calm as he appeared to be.

"Wow!" she exclaimed, "This stuff is strong."

"You have no idea," he replied, a wicked smirk covering his face now.

She blinked at him, confusion damping the flushing on her face. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"You'll see in just a few seconds."

Suddenly coughing, she tasted something metallic in her mouth, and now she felt that something was seriously wrong with her drink. "What did you... do to me?" she asked, panic rising.

"Did you really think I would forgive you? You seduce me, and when you have my heart, you throw it to the wolves." By this time, she was trembling and the flush had gone away, taken most of the color in her face with it. "The wine, if you haven't figured out by now, is spiked with that small but potent venom called voyria."

Eyes and mouth wide open in shock, no sound came from the lady who was currently sweating blood. Even her coughing stopped to allow for the silence.

"Yes," he sneered, "you'll die soon enough, so be silent while you contemplate on what you have done to me."

Feeling her life slip away from her, she tried to keep her spasms from preventing her from saying anything. "But..." she finally managed. "...I'm your..." A short pause occurred, and it seemed as if she wouldn't be able to finish her sentence. With a final burst of willpower allowed her that. "...sister." With that, her body slumped down void of life.

If Niertic thought she had crushed his life before, he had now obliterated it himself. He had killed his own sister. Now, there was only one thing he could think of doing.

Two days later, a young sentinel found the body of Silmia lying in a small clearing. Next to her was the body of Niertic, still clutching a half empty bottle of red wine in a deathgrip.