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By: Tyn Posted on: July 26, 2004

The land without song.

We all know the sirens are blessed with their voices, yet they rely more on their beauty now than on their voices. Once it was different. A siren did not need to use her looks to lure and seduce. One song was enough to capture the world, to make it experience sadness, joy, anger or any other emotion they wanted.

This is a tale of a land forgotten, a land where all sirens used to reside and where they lived in harmony. It is a sad tale about how a sirens voice lost all its former power and why it came to be that way.

The flowers blossomed to the song which was sang to them every day. Nature and flowers bloomed and blossomed, filling the land with colour. The sea was as blue as the night sky, the silver fish playing beneath the surface, yet somewhat visible, would shimmer as stars on a blanket of indigo blue, giving it a nice effect.

Many sailors came to this land and fell in love with it's beauty. The soft sea breeze and the rich nature…but mostly, the beautiful sounds which filled their souls with emotion so deep and so strong it would be impossible to explain. For that reason, hardly any of the visitors could bring themselves to leave.

After years the land became quite populated with different races, mixtures of races and so on. Some sirens believed this could turn up badly, others were inviting and friendly and because the sirens could not come to a decision on what to do among themselves, it remained the way it had come to be.

Each year all sirens would come together to sing a song to embrace the new year. Believing it was a blessing gifted to them by the Divine, they praised every divine in their song as they welcomed the new year with open arms. There would be enough to drink and to eat for everyone and sirens among themselves could switch songs which they had written, each song containing its own form of power.

The Song of new year blessings.

A new beginning, a new start
We're blessed with a new heart.
Enlightened are we, blessed by the divine.
Given us a new year and more time.

And when we encounter Lord Vashnars wrath
We will be grateful in our steps.
Because it is a blessing and not a dread.
When he allows the flowers to dance with delight.
And when he shakes us under his might.

Lady Demeter do not fear
We will look after the Nature when Lord Vashnar is not here.
Never will we turn away from the green
Or from the many flowers or colours we have seen.

And at night we shall not forget
To pray before we enter the bed.
We shall pray for beautiful dreams
Goddess Valnurana please hear our pleads.
Gift us with dreams for another year.
Show us beauty close to Lady Selene's so fair.
And if we dream of the dragons lair.
We shall awaken, perhaps in fright.
But we shall not worry.
We shall not fear.
Because the light of Ourania shall be here.

Aegis, mighty god, please stay far.
Distant like that little star.
We're grateful to be at peace
Granted by Divine Oneiros.

And if this year, so new treat us well.
In Sarapis's halls we shall hopefully not dwell.
Apologies we send to Lord Thoth.
But to enter his realms, we want not.

And we thank you especially, Lord Scarlatti
We could not have come so far without thee.
Your inspiration flows through our hearts.
Motivated we are, by all the divine.
But you especially Lord Scarlatti,
We will thank thee in a special line.

Dear Divine, so fair.
Humbly we thank thee.
Humbly we thank thee.
Thank you for granting us another year
A year of sea,
A year of dreams,
A year of nature,
A year of thunder,
A year of love,
A year of song,
A year of peace.

The festivities would continue after having sang this song. It was a tradition to sing it twice. Once it would be sang by one singer and it would be sang a second time by all of them together.

It was the last year this city, Indigo City would ever come to see and that year the song was sang by a special siren. One which had beauty which almost matched Lady Selene's, or so it was said. Of course no one actually knew, for no one had ever been granted the honour of being in Lady Selene's presence.

The one I speak of was called Sheranin. She had an amazing voice combined with looks which would make any other siren envious. And therefore of course, was she treated well by the males, but among her own kind she was very disliked. Even the royal family had a grudge against her for her looks alone. Her blood red crimson lips and dark enchanting eyes along with her snow white skin drove every siren to insanity. Their envy would become the end of them.

That festival many songs and enchanted songs were traded among sirens, however, there were certain songs which would come to be the end of everything. Sheranin was aware her sisters did not like her. Though filled with sadness, she would always force a smile on her pretty face. A face which had deserved to see a real smile one day. However that day would never come. Only one person liked her, her mother who was at the same time the shaman of her city.

Each night her mother would sing a song of protection over her child as she slept, to protect her from any enchantments which could cause her daughter harm.

Sleep my beloved child.
Do not let them awaken you from your slumber
don't allow them to take you from your dreams.
I pray to thee Divine.
Each night.
Each day
Each passing time.
Watch over my daughter.
Allow her to sleep.
Watch over my daughter
Which strikes envy so deep.
I pray to thee Divine.
Protect her, it is not her time.

And afterwards she would turn to sleep herself.

One day, a normal day, when everything went accordingly like it would every day. The land was filled with song, the skies were blessed with Mithrandea's light and just before the Lady of the Moon set in at dawn, the land was struck with silence.

The silence however, was not real silence. There was song, however, the song could be heard only by one person, for it was meant for only one person. Namely Sheranin her mother. Knowing her mother always protected her with counter enchanting and since her mother was a shaman all knew the enchanting of a shaman would be of greater power. But an enchantment when none was expecting had struck the poor mother by surprise and she fell in deep slumber.

Tired, so tired.
Let me enter the realm of dreams.
Come with me, oh come with me.

I'm tired, so tired.
Feel with me,
Feel for me.

Take over my weary self.
Allow yourself to dream away.
Fall in slumber for a day.

Tired, so tired.
Enter the realm of dreams.
You're tired, so tired.

Allow your eyes to take a rest.
For one day, stay in your nest.
Sleep, in deep slumber, for a day.

Sheranin's mother was not able to sing her the song of protection and indeed that night she was struck. Like her mother, Sheranin was also caught by surprise. She knew she was disliked and treated like an outcast, but thanks to her mothers protection she had never truly experienced a thing such as this, and so she was an easy target for the following enchantment.

Drowning in my own fear.
*whisper "fear..fear.*

Release my pain.
Let it fall on the land as rain.
Rain of tears
Rain of eternal fears.
Fight the light and let darkness rule again..

Drowning in my own tears

Oceans fill with burning desire.
My eyes, my eyes they are on fire.
Release this restless pain within.
I cant stand, I cant bare.

Pray to die, pray for death
*whisper "Pray…pray"*
Pray for salvation into which you will be led.

Walk with me Sheranin.
Walk beside me.
Walk to the end
*whisper" walk…walk"*
Enter the realms of Lord Thoth
Enter the halls of Sarapis.
Behold the beauty which only Lady Selene could see.
The beauty in demise.

As the enchanted song was leading her to a cliff where she would meet her demise, the enchanter had not seen Revin. Revin, a male dwarf which had come to Indigo city had by boat had almost immediately fallen in love with Sheranin and ever since he would watch her secretly, too shy to show her his undying passion. He watched puzzled as his love walked to the cliff, and gazed in terror as she unexpectedly jumped off. It was the second of Sarapin, the year number had been lost and it was then when disaster struck. Revin almost blinded by tears with a ripping sorrow piercing his heart wanted to run to the cliff and jump right after her, but before he could reach the cliff on his two short legs the watched as the enchanters came into view. Laughing, smiling and cheering each other on were a group of sirens who had obviously planned the death of Sheranin together.

Falling on his knees, Revin cried through the night and dawn, and when tears would no longer come, he sat there sulking.

The Shaman who had finally awakened by the first light of the Lady of Light rose to her feet immediately. The Lady of Dreams had given her a warning in her slumber of the terrible event. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Along the way she saw Revin and his state was confirming that which she feared most, but she did not linger and ran to the beach where she saw her daughters broken body washed ashore.

Her rage and sorrow drove her mad and she turned away from population after having spoken with Revin. None knew what was waiting for them or what the old shaman was plotting. All thought it was her sadness which had caused her to close away herself from the world, and it was partially true, but not quite.

Firstly the Siren Shaman watched her daughters murders raise a family and become happy, which was when she took their happiness from them, by seducing their husbands one by one.

Dreams of midnight fear
Let him stay here
Let him stay near

Don't let him go beyond the horizon.
Where my voice cant reach his heart.
Where my eyes cant light his path.
Where my love cant fill his empty part

Divided we are, by the morning.
Divided we are by the sea.
Divided we will be when the moon shines
Divided we will be.

Sounds of song from within my heart.
Find your second missing part
I send thee, I send thee.
Find for me, he.
Bring him to me.

And when their husbands would lay in her arms, helpless and completely under her control, she would do to them which was done to her daughter. She would send them off the cliff and watch from far when their wives found the dead corpses. She would not give them rest, or so she swore.

The sirens who were now widows knew they could not match the shamans strength in enchanting music. Yet knowing they had to do something to protect the remaining of their families, namely their children they had to resort to something. They tried to ask for forgiveness but instead saw their children be struck with disease. Their beauty was gone by the curse of pimples. But the sirens knew they had done the shaman wrong and could not bring themselves to harm her as well.

Coming to a desperate solution the sirens went to the dragon of the island. No such dragons exist anymore, might I add. And he agreed on the sirens request on placing a ban on song and music on their land by sealing it away, however, in return the dragon would get to eat them.

Agreeing a seal had come over the land and no more song was ever heard again. Many who were once struck by the beauty of this land could not bring themselves to watch it decay and wither away and all moved away. As for the sirens who had murdered Sheranin, they were indeed eaten.

Many say the dragon was poisoned by the nasty taste and has died there and then, but as long as the seal remains one cant really be sure.

The shaman who would never be truly at rest also moved on and this was her last song.

Life is a journey within a dream
A dream of Achaea I have seen.
Realms far beyond where I can be,
Be evil, be good, be whatever is me.

There are not only flowers but people who can blossom.
Blossom out and become.
Become a dream so long.
Become an endless dream.

My life is a journey, and it is a vision I have seen.
Achaea is the vision within me.

Fierce oceans, let me pass.
Let me travel across to the lands.
Lead me to the realm I envision.
My final mission.

Every day I pray to Caspian, God of the Seas.
Beg him to allow my travelling needs.
His domain I will be crossing.
Dangers will threaten the path.
Waves will be tossing.
Tossing me along their wrath
I pray to thee, God of see.
Watch over my journey of dreams.
A dream given to me by Lady Valnurana.

And when my journey reaches destination.
I will not be consumed by frustration
I shall pray to thee, Lady Lorielan.
May You fill my mind with knowledge.
Guide my path with wisdom.
And hopefully Lady Demeter will allow me to blossom.

Fierce roads, let me pass.
Let me travel across the lands.
Lead me to the realm I invision
Achaea, my final mission.