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By: Greyda Posted on: May 30, 2004

Drue woke suddenly, sitting upright in bed, the sheets twisted around her body, featherbed and coverlet thrown to the floor. It was eerily quiet, save for the rhythmic snoring sneaking below the door that divided her room from Thyandor's. Long had she dreamed of one who would lie beside her and hold her when nightmares disturbed her slumber, but not once in three years had he stayed the night with her, save for the very first.

Their marriage was just a show, she knew, and chastised herself daily for her foolishness in being used to further his political aims. And yet, inexplicably, she loved him.

She untangled herself from the bedding and saw she still wore her gown from the previous evening's banquet, blue-hued skirts shimmering over the bed like deep water, a brief disorientation. Air rushed over her and she saw the window had been left open, the shutters thrown wide as silken curtains billowed in the breeze.

Standing to close the heavy slatted shutters, she gazed out over the city walls. A field of tall grass surrounded Hashan and ended at the forest's edge, the Ithmia which stretched on eastward to fade into the sea. A few golden rays of sunlight edged over the horizon as dawn broke, and she found herself remembering plans to explore beyond the forest, a dream of her childhood. So many things she would never do.

Shaking her head at her wistfulness, she began to turn away when a flash of silver gleamed at her from the forest's edge. A shadowy figure wavered, then disappeared within the darkness. As she watched, she felt a chill break through the warm breeze, lifting her dark hair and passing over her shoulders, a familiar touch, almost a caress.

Camdyn was calling to her.

Her skirts billowed around her as she ran down the hallway, bare feet slapping against the smooth marble floors. She passed through the servants' exit andsilently into the warm morning sun.

* * *

The forest was still, its inhabitants just waking, the trill of a songbird piercing the calm. Mossy and green, the ground was soft below Drue's feet as she pushed within. Shadows shifted all around as the sun made its way into the sky, burning the morning mist away.

He stood at a distance, tall and lean, clad in black that seemed to ever shift him in and out of the shadows. Even as sun streamed through the trees, bathing him in soft golden light, his features were dark and solemn. His hair seemed to glow of its own volition, trapping silvery moonlight in its strands.

His eyes flicked up to meet hers, looking directly at her. She drew a quick breath as they bored into her, a piercing ebony that flashed silver as he moved closer.

"Drue," he whispered, and his voice was soft, her heart skipping as she saw the desire in his eyes. He reached for her, one hand resting on her hip as the other slid to the base of her neck, fingers tangling in long locks of chestnut, and he gazed down at her.

For an eternity it seemed they stood lost in eachother's eyes, on the verge of a kiss, when he dropped his eyes and turned his head.

"You have to choose," he said slowly, sullenly. "He can't make you happy... and I can't have you freely."

He spoke of Thyandor, of course. They had never discussed her marriage, let it pass out of their thoughts each time they met in the seclusion of the forest, too in love to allow it to separate them.

Drue raised a hand to his cheek, brushing the cool skin lightly and choking back a bitter laugh. She knew one day he would present her with an ultimatum. If only it were as easy as following her heart. If only someone else could choose for her.

As if he knew her thoughts, Camdyn's eyes narrowed.

"Leave him," he said urgently. "Right now. Come away with me, we'll go north... south... away from here and you'll never have to see him again." Pressing his case further he crushed his lips against hers, his arms encircling her and pulling her tightly against him. She could feel his heart racing against hers, and she pulled away, shaking her head gently.

"I need more time," she said, pleading with him. "I can't just go. He won't know why, and he'll come after me... Thyandor-"

"Don't. Speak. That. Name," Camdyn hissed, and Drue jumped at the flicker of hatred that crossed his eyes. It vanished, and he sighed and raked his fingers through his hair.

"I can't be patient anymore," he said, his brow furrowed as he looked at her. "I love you... Gods, I love you... but tonight. Tonight I will come for you... and we will go."

Without waiting for a response, Camdyn turned abruptly and faded away into the shadows, leaving Drue shaken and stunned.

* * *

Pacing back and forth in her bedchamber, glancing every so often out the window towards the forest, Drue mulled over the decision before her. Thyandor was one of the most powerful men in Hashan, a leader loved by the people... crossing him could mean ostracizing herself from her beloved home, the people whom she had lived among her entire life.

Thyandor was kind, and provided for her, allowing her more freedoms than many wives could claim. And she could not deny the fact that, although she cursed herself for being swayed by his charms, she still hoped one day he would return the love she nourished for him.

But Camdyn... Camdyn had taken her breath away when she first saw him. Quiet and thoughtful, he had not judged her immediately, as so many would. Hours they spent in the woods, and he made her believe her dreams could come true. All of them. He promised her the world beyond Hashan, offering his love without reservation, even knowing that she was not free to be completely his.

He had always known about Thyandor. She was with him when they first met, on one of the many excursions to the bazaar during their brief engagement. Thyandor was excited, buying jewelry and trinkets for her without reserve, and she hadn't realized Camdyn was there.

Hidden, invisible to the naked eye, his hand had brushed against hers, a cool touch that made her gasp. He had whispered his apologies, but continued to follow them through the streets, finally emerging and giving a slight wave as Thyandor's head was turned, then disappeared from the city. It was not until days later, after she had married, that he first appeared at the edge of the forest outside her, beckoning her with icy wind.

"You look worried," came a low voice behind her. Drue spun around, startled from her thoughts, to see Thyandor standing over the threshold between their rooms.

"Oh... I was just... thinking," she said slowly. She forced a smile and stepped towards him, arms outstretched to embrace him. He shook his head slightly, and she stopped, seeing he was wearing full armor. He looked tired, she thought, his broad shoulders slumped, eyes heavy with exhaustion.

"More raids?" she asked, looking up with quizzical eyes. He shrugged at her.

"It's nothing. Minor skirmishes. I just wanted to see that you were safe," he said, awkwardly putting a hand on her shoulder. "I... fear I have not paid you the attention you deserve as of late," he said, frowning at her. "It is not my intention. I..."

"You are busy, I know," she replied softly, gazing downward. It was in moments like these that he had won her, the subtle, kind words that suggested somehow he did love her, that there was hope.

* * *

The fighting picked up again at dusk, but Hashan's guard pushed the raiders out of the city and south into the forests. A chaotic whirlwind of swords and magic made the battlefield a blur, and the slight, cloaked figure was hardly noticed slipping into the city. Save one warrior whose keen eye picked up the movement and hurried after him.

* * *

A soft tapping at her door woke Drue from a fitful sleep, and as she opened it a figure slipped into her room and drew back the hood from his silver hair.

"Have you decided?" he blurted, not wanting to hear more words than that. She took his hands in hers and gazed into his eyes, seeing an eternity of love and knowing that was all she wanted.

"I'll go with you," she whispered, and Camdyn smiled, touching his forehead to hers. His arms wrapped around her and they embraced briefly. "Wait outside, I'll come to you," she said, withdrawing into her room to dress. He nodded and turned away, moving softly down the corridors and leaving the house, not knowing their conversation had been overheard, unaware that he was followed.

The blade slipped into his side without a sound, death coming swiftly, and he dropped to the ground. The warrior stood above him, choked with anger, his face dark with hatred.

It was a minute or two before Drue appeared at the door, and as she saw the body of her lover slumped on the ground she cried out and collapsed upon him, staining her dress and hands with his blood. She looked around frantically, her eyes falling on Camdyn's killer, his back turned to her, broadsword shining in the moonlight. With a cry of rage she unsheathed the short dagger at her belt and lunged at him, driving the blade into his back, burying it to its hilt.

"No... no," Drue gasped as her target turned, staggering. "It can't be you..."

Thyandor's face was ashen, the blood draining rapidly from it as he met her eyes. A brief glimmer of softness passed over his expression, then a coldness, and he fell against the house, his final breath inaudible.

* * *

Drue loses count of the days as they pass, wandering the Ithmia, barely a shadow of herself. The children of Hashan scatter when she approaches the city gates, asking for Thyandor, begging to see her husband when she is turned away. And so she returns to the woods, slipping from shadow to shadow, the cool voice of her lover whispering, calling to her through the trees.