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By: Berenene Posted on: September 06, 2010

Food is scarce. I have to run from shadow to shadow trying to find a scrap of something, all the while trying to avoid being seen by the Biggers. So many of our brothers and sisters have been taken by the Biggers. They give us no reason. They just stand there, grinning down at us before we disappear. The ones that get taken? We never hear from them again. Oh, we hear rumours. That there are Biggers that take us in exchange for things that shine, but we don't know. The babies fare the worst, they don't know how to defend themselves. Some have said that they even come into the Down Below, into our homes, to find us. There are always more and more of them, more eyes searching, more food being taken away from us, making it harder to stay hidden. We've done nothing to them, why do they hunt us?

I have to stay focused or I won't find any food or worse still, I'll be seen. What? Nothing? Even here? I've tried all my usual places and there's no food anywhere. I'll have to take the risk. I need to seek in other places.

Wait! Stomping! A Bigger is approaching! RUN! HIDE!

That was close. No one else is around, quickly now! Nothing here. Or here. Where else can I go? Over here? Nothing. I should head back to the warren...but wait. Over there! Yes, I can smell it. Food. But it's out in the open. There's no one around. Oh the smell is so welcoming. Surely, if I'm quick, I can eat it and be back in the shadows before another Bigger comes. Yes. Go, hurry! Oh it's more delicious then I could have imagined. The flavours! So moist! Wait...what was that? I thought I heard something. It was nothing. I can't believe how good it tastes. Done. It was glorious. I can't waste any time. I have to get back to the shadows. Back to safety. But...what is that? That music, it's so beautiful. I must find it. Where is it coming from? Here? Yes here. But that's out in the open...but how could anything happen to me with this music around? Yes, I'll be safe with the music. Huh? Where did that shadow come from? Oh no. It's a Bigger. Looking down at me with those soulless eyes. That grin. This one has a picture on it's head too. There's nowhere to run. I want to fight, but he's so much bigger then me. Come on! Just do it! He's raising his hand. He's moving it so fast. It's coming down. I wonder if he'll take me to where all the others went. Maybe there's more food and...

You thrust your arm out in a quick jab at a rat. You connect! The final blow proves too much for a rat, who expires pitifully. You have slain a rat, retrieving the corpse.