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Revision as of 11:00, 18 March 2017

By: Chryseas Posted on: March 31, 2014

As bards it is our faithful duty to Scarlatti

To record and remember events of Hist'ry....

But sometimes it is a special honour

To revere One who sacrificed the longer...

Through Her Life unto Her Death

To mortals She gave Her final Breath...

Thumbing these ancient texts I ponder

To when or where I start to tell Her wonder...


An Aldar She was at the beginning,

Innocence and purity brimming.

Like Her brothers, sisters, Aldar kin,

She served the Elder Gods back then.

Born to violence or so it might seem

Reading hist'ries... The Horror's scheme.

But She bore loved children from crime

Sinope and Callisto thriving in time.

Despite aversion by Aldar collective,

The twins were saved, with Proteus protective,

And so the Human race begun...

From cruel and scand'lous origin.


But Her place was not yet done,

No, contrary, not for this One...


Lord Sarapis gathered all to announce,

He planned to pass His torch and pronounce,

A new Overseer to guide Creation

As He rested to find revelation...

No single deity He found would suit...

Who was balanced enough to take up root,

White mist rose as He brought forth...

A pale woman with creative worth.

Uniting with Humanity's Aldar Mother,

Makali, Destruction's Lady, emerged another...

By the power of Mighty Sarapis,

The Mother Maya became a Great Goddess.

Gifted by each in the Pantheon,

Maya was proclaimed Creatrix thereon,

And though Humans are Hers flesh and bone

She embraced us all not one left alone.

The Halls of Maya She made for us,

Through every death, there to discuss,

Advising all with kindly voice

She rescued us, each one, an unconditional choice.


For years I walked Her halls as many a youth in my day

Her motherly voice a comfort through each step of the way.

Her salvation was my anchor through life's many mistakes

Always there to catch me for all our sakes.


Mother of all, yet asked not once,

For fealty or our undying obeisance...

There was no Order of Maya about,

'Stead we all gave some measured devout.

Then Bal'met came in blood-soaked fury

Taking Her Brothers, Sisters, children aplenty.

Each One trying to stop His reaving...

However it left all, Divine, mortals, weeping...

Upon Mount Xevius in the Siroccians She called,

"Meet Me there, I am appalled!"

"He cannot be left as such unchecked..."

"This One, Bal'met, must soon be wrecked!"

Creating a pool to Nishnatoba beyond

Through there She asked us to respond...

As we entered at Her request,

All we knew was we'd try our best...

What happened was wondrous and unheard before,

She imbued us with power, Demigods we were!

It was the Lady's own essence She gave...

We stood proud and tall, all quite brave...

But was it worth the final cost?

Philosophers 'round can ponder exhaust,

But 'twas Her sacrifice to grant and sunder...

Her own Divinity, now mortal to wander...

Thus it ends that where She was Birthed

As Goddess Maya pronounced and unearthed,

At the Shrine of Ascension Her last depleted...

Given to mortals to see Bal'met defeated.