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Revision as of 10:15, 18 March 2017

By: Madelyne Posted on: December 14, 2010

During Capture the Flag I hide in bed, So I don't get clobbered upon the head. Bloodshed and victory just aren't my thing. I much prefer hearing the handbells ring...

For Logosmas! Logosmas! Logosmas! A time when all of our friends come to call. They wake up from sleep, wearing not a peep, And with a sheepish grin murmur, "Hi all."

Out of all the events Sapience-wide, Regardless of moon phase or ocean tide, Forget all the rest, Logosmas is best!

It's Logosmas! Logosmas! Logosmas! A time for laughter, great love and great cheer. Time for thieves and raiders to call a truce, And toast one another with the Smith's beer.

During Mayaween, if any should dare, Walk through Thera with the utmost of care. I hear that at night there comes a great fright But it cannot compare with the lovely sight...

Of Logosmas! Logosmas! Logosmas! Watch folks fall victim to Lady Selene. Infamous yield to the love that they wield, Greeting others with a kind, "How ye been?"

Out of all the events Sapience-wide, Regardless of moon phase or ocean tide, Forget all the rest, Logosmas is best!

It's Logosmas! Logosmas! Logosmas! With visits from Ironbeard, our best guy. Calling, "Better to give than to receive," He gifts those who burrow, hide, sprint, and fly.

During Blufest, Cyrene has a swell time, Celebrating with games, contests, and rhyme To honour our guardian dragon, Blu But it's not as much fun when compared to...

Our Logosmas! Logosmas! Logosmas! Lovers hanging mistletoe here and there, Decking the halls with their family and friends, Adding coal to Glint's stocking on a dare.

Out of all the events Sapience-wide, Regardless of moon phase or ocean tide, Forget all the rest, Logosmas is best!

Yeah, Logosmas! Logosmas! Logosmas! You are a boon! You can't get here too soon! It's not a pain, to bash with candy cane, Even if I do look like a buffoon.

It's Logosmas! Logosmas! Logosmas! Let evergreen trees line each avenue. Buy a snowglobe and drink yummy cocoa, Before we must bid Logosmas adieu.