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Revision as of 09:21, 18 March 2017

By: Datrius Posted on: December 20, 2015

Datrius vaults easily onto the familiar back of his companion, Heureux, settling himself against the giant Labrador's fur before glancing across the field towards Tesha, who is mounted upon her ivory jaguar Solsci. Adjusting his position atop Heureux, Datrius thinks back over the past few days as the joust has progressed.

He had initially entered the joust to amuse himself. Never had he expected to come so far, let alone make it to the finals. However, he had come so far that he was now determined to see it through until the end. Six opponents crushed so far, and if he could defeat Tesha, the title of Year 700 Jousting Champion would be his.

Running a gentle hand along Heureux's fur, he leans down and says in his ear, "I know you're tired buddy. This is the last match. Win or lose, I'll make sure you get a nice juicy cow or hog after this. I promise."

The flag raises and he settles back into position, lifting his lance into position and steadying it, waiting for the flag to drop and the horn to blast. Mount and rider's muscles tense as one as the horn blasts through the air and they charge forward as fast as they can. Panther and Labrador paws pound against the ground, gaining speed. Datrius adjust his aim, steadying his lance against his mount's eager bouncing. He sees Tesha adjust her position, her long ponytail trailing behind her as Solsci charges forward with sleek, powerful muscles.

With just a few yards between them, Datrius digs his heels into Heureux sides, urging him to go even great velocity. The world blurs for a moment before the sound of wood meeting armour and shattering fills the air. As his mount slows, Datrius turns to see Tesha tottering upon her own before righting herself. A flag raises on his own side of the field to indicate two points, he has taken an early two to zero lead for breaking his lance upon Tesha's armour while remaining unscathed himself.

Returning to his own side of the field, he takes another lance from his attendant and repositions himself, facing his opponent to prepare for the next tilt. Once both competitors lances are raised to indicate readiness, the horn sounds again and they charge forward.

Seeing Tesha adjust her position, turning her slender body at an awkward angle, Datrius adjusts the position of his lance to compensate. He had the lead, the only thing he needed to do was land even a glancing blow in this second round to almost guarantee himself the victory. Spurring Heureux forward once more, he sees Tesha adjust herself once again, just moments before reaching each other. He feels his lance barely miss Tesha's armour, hitting only air as her own lance strikes a glancing blow to his shoulder, sending pain coursing through it.

Reaching the end of the field, he glances to see that the score is now two to one. Running fingers through his mounts course fur, he takes a moment to murmur a soft prayer before positioning himself. "We can still take this, boy, all we need is a blow. The only way we'll lose is if she breaks the lance. We can do this!"

Renewed energy seems to course through both rider and mount as once again the horn sounds and they gallop forward even more swiftly than before. Tesha begins adjusting herself upon her mount once again and Datrius concentrates his aim, aiming for the center of her chest, determined not to miss.

The mounts dash towards each other, closing the distance rapidly. Datrius steadies himself a final time and urges Heureux forward, determined to strike the final blow in this tilt. Tesha thrusts her lance forward at the last moment and his world is thrown into chaos as he feels an immense impact against his chest. The sensation of flying through the air is followed by a harsh impact against the ground, his armour clattering loudly as he settles into the dirty field, groaning softly.

As the cheers of the Targossians and the shouted announcements of Tharos sound, a shadow looms over Datrius. Tesha extends her hand to him to help him up, grinning and saying, "That was some good jousting... justing... something.."