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By: Krim Posted on: March 29, 2004

A Three Rune Tale

A Burning Rune

There once was a boy in this world, tall and dark. A boy barely that of a man, but already grown in mind. This boy was known as Murtagh, a boy always sullen. By the blade he earned his bread. A lonely shadow was this boy called Murtagh.

One day, under a willow tree, he was approached by three wise men. Of three colors where they, red, black, and white. These sorcerers, for that they where, persuaded Murtagh to slay a Cyclops in the valley of halflings. Upon doing so, Murtagh agreed to plunder the fallen's eye. Murtagh asked not a reason.

Far from this willow tree was the valley of the halflings. Murtagh's travel however was not daunted by distance, soon he approached the Vashnars. As he ascended the jagged mountains, and being wary of unwanted eyes, he broke from the road. Among these jagged peaks, he came across an ancient battlefield. Upon this field was a crouched knight, broken and long forgotten. Armor cracked and flesh withered, all that remained intact was his shining sword. Upon the dazzling broadsword where three runes each of a different color, gold, silver, and gray. Desiring such a fine blade, he attempted to take it, but the long gone knight held fast. Frustrated, he stared captivated by the three runes and pondered their meaning. Finally, he decided to copy them upon his own blade, if just for good luck. Using the knights ink pouch, he carefully copied the runes and prayed to the fallen knight's spirit so that this strange runes would serve him as they did their former master. Gaining all he could, Murtagh continued on.

Murtagh found the task of finding the Cyclops easy enough and finding the required spear more so. Soon, with not more than new phase of moon had past, did Murtagh stand before the cyclops lair.

Wishing to surprise the Cyclops, Murtagh snuck into the cave. Before he could peer about in search, he was gripped iron-strong and was tossed across the dwelling. He righted himself and with crystal spear in hand did battle with the Cyclops, but was overpowered. The Cyclops again tossed him, but this time against the cave wall. Murtagh heard a rib crack. With resolve he stood, and wielded his broadsword in his free hand. His opponent approached to finish him. As is the nature of things, this boy did not with to die and in his final moment, rebelled against it with both weapons. The crystal spear plunged into the Cyclops chest with unexpected speed, and with his broadsword he ended the Cyclops.

Dropping to the floor exhausted, Murtagh looked over himself and his weapons. He would recover, but he noted that the gold rune at the end of his sword was now embedded there.

A Shining Rune

Under the willow tree, Murtagh awaited the three sorcerers. They appeared in the rising sun, and bartered for the eye. When all was said and done, Murtagh left them.

Murtagh searched on for jobs fitting his craft, but could find none. Restless, he wondered in an alley of a city somewhere. There was a group of thugs, mugging a woman. Murtagh moved off, not wanting trouble. Shrieks turned his head though, as he knew that her life was probably about to be taken as well. He thought back to the Cyclops cave and his brush with death.. Murtagh, sullen as he was, had not wish to die. By the screams, neither did the woman. He asked himself suddenly, then why where they going to kill her? There was no reason, nothing to be gained by doing so. What right does anyone to snuff out life needlessly?

His blade found the thieves. They fought back and cornered him next to the ally's wall. Two turned back to the woman. Murtagh gave a yell and broke free. Pushing past the two thugs, he grabbed the woman and fled. Across the city, and an hour later, Murtagh and the woman lost them.

The woman thanked him, and asked why he had saved her. Murtagh answered with a sullen smile, "You did not deserve or want death as far as I could tell." He had not put away his sword, and as he did so, noticed that the center rune was now embedded into the blade. Puzzled, he decided to search for a runelore master the next day.

A Grim Rune

This woman was named Ellen. She soon pried out of Murtagh his profession, and hired him as a bodyguard. Not caring of her reason of fear, he agreed. He followed her around for many days, so as such put off finding the meaning in the runes. Soon, she had to leave this city and he followed his steady employment. Upon the way, the three sorcerers confronted the pair. Smoking skull, boiling brew, and a petrified Cyclops eye did they wield, and with strange words stuck at Ellen. Murtagh moved to protect her.

The three spoke, "Move aside, wondering blade. No gold is to be hade here. She is our enemies daughter, as such will killer her to hurt him, no matter how many protection spells he cast. You can not kill us. Stand aside!"

Flames snaked about him. He thought of running, for this fight he defiantly could not win. He turned to where Ellen lay on the ground, whimpering as the spells dug into her. She had not need him in the alley. She might even survive, if her fathers spells won out. Murtagh glared at the road behind. No, she would not live. She truly needed him now. "Leave!" screamed the three.

"I saved her,' reflected Murtagh. 'I can not abandon her. She did not deserve to die then, and she doesn't deserve to die know! I on the other hand, can't really say the same. I might at least trade my life for some time.' A sword with glowing runes was in his hands. He bellowed loudly one last word, "Run!" He charged the three, preparing his finally swing as they engulfed him in flames.

Farmers nearby tell that three cloaked men where struck down that day by a comet wielding a shining blue sword. As for Ellen, she survived that and many other trails. Till the end of her days, she kept Murtagh's blade as a memento. So did Murtagh protect her in spirit, as his Runeblade warded her troubles with its three embedded runes that none could translate.