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The village of Kamleikan is easily the northernmost human settlement. It was rediscovered in the year 311 AF by Rick Stormcrow, after a northward recession of the Wall of Power.


Spacially, Kamleikan is seated on the northeast shore of a bitter, westward-reaching inlet of the sea which is dotted with glacial ice floes. On all other sides loom the starkly forbidding expanse of the barren Tundra.


  1. Aarin, the Trader
  2. Baroq, the apprentice
  3. Dhormen, the craftsman
  4. Jeridh
  5. The Kamleikan healer
  6. The Kamleikan shaman
  7. Mala
  8. Vhar, the Tanner


Kamleikan is composed of a tightly knit smattering of small, simple huts and communal gathering places. While the villagers of Kamleikan, themselves known as Kamleikans, are mainly of a hunter-gatherer bent, pens full of domesticated reindeer livestock denote a level of sophistication beyond that of ordinary hunter-gatherers. Theologically, Kamleikans practice a form of ancestor worship, and hold at least some degree of reverence for the sactity of life in all its forms. The religious leader of the village is the Kamleikan shaman, imbued with the spiritual knowledge of his people.


To date, only one shop has opened in Kamleikan: the Kamleikan Trading Post, run by the foreigner Aarin and upkept by his native apprentice Baroq. Within the shop are sold fur hats, boots, blankets, and other such garments as are necessary for surviving in the harsh northern climes.

Flora and Fauna

Despite its harsh terrain, Kamleikan's marine environment attracts a wide variety of wildlife. Within the village's limits, herds of reindeer may be found, and the yips of sled dogs can sometimes be heard. Starting towards the snow fields, one often finds snowshoe hares. Further out, amid the glaciatic ice flows dwell harp seals and penguins, and echoing across these frigid waves the song of the mysterious narwhal may be heard. Aside from the occasional fir and pine trees and the dessicated tufts of grass on which the grazing animals subsist, the only plant in any real abundance is kelp, which grows below the surface of the water.