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Battlerage is a skill that everyone gets. While many of your class-related abilities in Achaea are only useful when used on other adventurers, the abilities in the Battlerage skill are only useful when used on denizens. Further, unlike most other skills, Battlerage is not learned by using lessons - you will gain new abilities in it by levelling up. There are only five BR abilities per class, as well as five for each colour of Dragon, so there is a large gap in levels between the abilities.

Within Battlerage, you will get abilities at:

  • Level 6
  • Level 20
  • Level 40
  • Level 60
  • Level 80

Dragons will have all of the abilities and those who are Elder Dragons will find their Battlerage abilities switch when they switch Dragon colour.


All Battlerage abilities are powered by a stat called Rage.

Rage is gained by attacking denizens.

When you gain Rage, everyone in your party also gains some portion of that Rage. How much depends on how many people are in your party. Remember, everybody in the party will get the below % of the Rage generated by every other person in the party, providing they're in the same room.

2 people = 10%     3 people = 8%    4 people = 7%
5 people = 6%      6 people = 6%    7 people = 5%
8 people = 4%      9 people = 3%   10 people = 2%

11 people = 1.5% 12 people = 1% 13 people =.8% 14 people = .5% 15 people =.3%

Gauge your rage

By default, you will be notified every time you gain Rage. You can config this off/on by doing CONFIG RAGEGAINMSG ON|OFF.

You can also configure your prompt to show you Rage by using R in a standard prompt or *R in a custom prompt. (HELP PROMPT will explain more.) Please note that if you're using the Achaea web client and can't see your prompt, it's probably because you've checked the option to turn off prompts in your settings window (accessible via the gears in the lower right of the client).

Finally, you can quickly see your current rage by doing SHOW RAGE, SHOW BATTLERAGE, BATTLERAGE, BRAGE or simply BR.

Using Rage

Before you can use Rage, you need to have Rage. See above!

Each Battlerage ability (AB BATTLERAGE <ability name>) will tell you how much Rage it costs and how long the cooldown is for it.

There are, roughly, three types of Battlerage abilities:

 * Damage (which may be straight damage, damage-over-time, or some combination thereof).
 * Afflicting (Afflicting a denizen with something, like weakness or amnesia.)
 * Conditional Damage (Extra damage if the denizen has a particular affliction.)

Rage must be gained continually in order to be kept. After 12 seconds of not using or gaining Rage, it will quickly fade.

Rage-Based Afflictions

The following afflictions can be inflicted on denizens via Battlerage:

 * Sensitivity  - The denizen takes 33% extra damage for 8 seconds.
 * Amnesia      - The denizen misses the next 2-3 attacks.
 * Recklessness - The denizen can't shield for 9 seconds.
 * Weakness     - The denizen does 66% of normal damage for 7 seconds.
 * Feared       - The denizen flees every couple seconds for 8 seconds.
 * Aeon         - The denizen attacks at 66% normal speed for 6 seconds.
 * Clumsy       - The denizen misses 33% of attacks for 7 seconds.
 * Inhibit      - The denizen doesn't heal for 9 seconds.
 * Charm        - The denizen will attack other mobs that you have beef withfor 5 seconds.
 * Stun         - The mob doesn't do anything for 4 seconds.