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Toxicology is the creation of deadly toxins from a variety of sources. These toxins can be envenomed upon weapons to deliver ailments and afflictions to an enemy.

Based on what you're making these toxins from, there are two methods for formulating them: BOILING for plant-based toxins, and HYDRATING for mineral-based toxins.

Place the required ingredients into your pot or alembic with the following command:

Boiling: INPOT <#> <ingredient> IN <pot> Hydrating: COMPOUND <#> <ingredient> IN <alembic>

You may concoct multiple batches of a toxin at once. Multiply the number of each ingredient by the number of batches you want up to forty batches.

Once you have all of the ingredients in the pot/alembic, put it on the ground and:

Boiling: BOIL <pot> FOR <toxin> Hydrating: HYDRATE <alembic> FOR <toxin>

Depending on the skill level of the practitioner, and the container that the toxin is being poured into, a "batch" of a remedy is worth a differing amount of sips:

               non-trans    trans        total
               practitioner practitioner sips max

Regular vial 40 50 200 Artefact vial 80 120 240

To refill a vial:

Boiling: FILL <vial> FROM <pot> [# times] Hydrating: DECANT <alembic> INTO <vial> [# times]