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Latest revision as of 02:24, 22 July 2008

Short black fur shimmering with a deep, brilliant blue sheen, Tor'Yasir stands with his head lifted proudly despite his obviously weakened condition. Shifting impatiently from one wide, four-toed paw to another in seeming discomfort, his sinewy muscles ripple visibly beneath his dense coat. Stark white hair cascades over his shoulders, falling over the sides of his broad back in long, gathered strands, and a thick braid is nestled behind his left ear. A soft, grey tuft of fur floats on the very end of his long, smooth tail, dragging upon the ground behind him. His stern, wizened face is finely boned and angular, large yellow eyes shining with purpose and intent from behind his worn and tired visage.

Tor'Yasir, Headsman of the Tuari looks to be crushingly strong.

He weighs about 218 pounds.