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Latest revision as of 21:05, 11 February 2008

Adorning a crisp white jacket, this short satyr carries himself upon two goat-like legs, each tufted with tips of brown hair. Numerous instruments fill the pockets of his garment, primarily composed of varying syringes developed in the practice of his trade, each written upon in scratchy penmanship. A curved pair of gleaming black horns adorns the creature's head, and his facial features are handsome, having deeply set, emerald eyes. Though Darien moves with grace and calmness, his softened appearance is belied by a pair of bloody handprints staining the back of his garment, acquired as remnants of his latest patient.
Foreboding in both height and stature, this man is clad in a robe of numerous dark ebon folds, crafted from the remnants of several ineffective straitjackets. A crude belt is strung around the inmate's slender waist, bearing the decapitated heads of slain doctors, each frozen facade riddled with signs of fear and agony. Moving with fiendish grace, his heavily ringed hands constantly shift beneath the long folds of his garment, revealing the sickly, pallid white hue of his flesh. His haunting, sinister face is twisted into a grin of pure menace, and his reddened eye gleams with malice as he avidly peruses the asylum's shadowy surroundings. Granting the superior his name, the inmate's left eye has been replaced with a large, gleaming steel screw.
Staring wildly with pale green eyes, Suire retains some semblance of the great beauty she once held on her twisted and mauled face. Long, greasy, chestnut-coloured hair falls around her scarred and broken features, failing to cover the deep, weeping wounds and burns marring her creamy skin. She clutches a silver, filigree-backed hand mirror with a deathly grip, her knuckles white from the strain. Though the mirror's glass is shattered into a dozen pieces and distorts any reflection, she coos and preens to herself as she looks into the broken surface. One of her arms is twisted, fingers missing where the remaining stumps are seared closed, and her blackened flesh curls around a series of violent slashes marking the back of her hand and the lower arm.
A dark chestnut suit of velvet adorns the tall form of this lithe man, kept seemingly clean, though several splotches of blood belie the garment's elegance. His dark ebon hair is parted to the side, receding slightly from the man's brow, whilst his eyes are a piercing green hue. Though his features are handsome, the coroner possesses a haunting air, and his mouth spreads wide in a fiendish grin gleamed entirely from the delight his practice brings.
Numerous layers of plant-dyed fabrics clothe the form of this elder herbalist, hiding all evidence of her body's shape, save for two bony wrists that extend out from beneath her garment's sleeves. Reminiscent of a gypsy's bells, an assortment of chimes hang from the outfit's swathes, pealing lightly as the woman moves. Her face is weatherworn and wrinkled, the most prominent feature being her long, crooked nose. Greying hairs poke out from beneath a multi-hued cloth wrapped around the woman's head, covering little of her worn, furrowed brow.
A timeworn face peers out from beneath the tatty hood of this man, marked by a grizzled jaw, ashen blonde locks, and dull grey eyes. Numerous layers of dirtiedsackcloth and thick cotton cover him in a heavy cloak, and his legs are protected from the elements by brown trousers. His left foot is adorned by a large hunting boot, while his other wears a mismatched leather sandal. Wielded within Wlor's hands is a massive crossbow fletched with a viciously spiked arrow, matching several other wooden projectiles held within a quiver upon the man's back.
An awkwardly large set of shattered eyeglasses rests upon the long nose of this man, causing his bulging eyes to appear abnormally sized and bug-like to onlookers. Greasy brown locks cling to the scientist's furrowed brow, and a raised collar affixed to the top of a soiled white laboratory jacket rests aside his neck and jaw line. Stained with green liquid and blotches of black ink, the man's wrists and forearms bare numerous incisions, several cuts still housing the remnants of broken glass phials. A water-stained piece of parchment clings to his right shoe, gathering dirt and grime as the paper is tracked around unknowingly.