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Revision as of 14:55, 25 August 2007

Mounted atop a mighty gryphon, this young lady clearly has the fire of battle running through her veins. She wears a gleaming bronze helmet with a trailing red horse-hair plume, a bronze cuirass, and a plated skirt and greaves. A vermillion cloak trails from her shoulders, flapping in the wind made by the soaring wings of the gryphon. She holds a bronze shield in one hand, engraved with symbols of Matsuhama and Delos, and she holds a wickedly barbed lance in the other, polished steel sharpened so finely that it could split a hair. Her powerful steed is a gryphon from Eleusis, a great beast with the head and wings of a white eagle and the tawny body of a lion. The skyknight whispers soothing words to the beast, even while urging it on to battle.

Lady Lhadia, Knight of the Sky does not even register your presence as a threat. She weighs about 400 pounds. You see nothing in it. --Kunama 14:55, 25 August 2007 (GMT)