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Bernutio is a scruffy orphan costermonger who can be found pushing around a wooden cart piled with colourful fruits and vegetables. Dressed in a pair of coarse brown trousers, a tattered little shirt and vest, and a lopsided little cap, Bernutio's countenance displays twinkling green eyes and a cheeky grin that pushes his face into a slight squint.

Brnutio's Wares

Melon323898 - 75gp
The dull yellow rind of this melon is run through with green lines, enhancing its plump appearance and giving it a shape akin to a small pumpkin. The surface of the fruit is hard and smooth, leaving no hint to what lies beneath. Curling upwards, a large stem coloured the same yellow as the rest of the melon grows from the top of the fruit.
Cucumber216396 - 50gp
This dark green cucumber is slim, easily three times as long as it is wide. Small yellowed spots dust its length, growing fainter as they reach the end at which the plant was connected to its vine. The skin is thick but soft, interrupted frequently by shallow, rounded bumps on the surface.
Carrot323720 - 25gp
Bright orange and with a long green stalk on the end, this pointy carrot is caked with dirt, but still smells very tasty.
Apple265693 - 25gp
Coloured a bright red, the surface of this apple is hard and unmarred. The shiny skin of the fruit is so polished that it has a slightly reflective property. The apple's shape is somewhat round, though it thins slightly towards the bottom. A curved, brown stem tops the pomaceous fruit.
Tomato158609 - 25gp
A short stem and serrated green leaves sit atop the scarlet skin of this succulent fruit, their verdant surface covered with a slight layer of rough fuzz. Glistening on the tomato's spherical body, a few beads of condensation stand out from the smooth, waxy exterior of the produce.
Grapes216837 - 50gp
Lush and green, these grapes look ready to burst with juicy goodness. Your mouth waters in anticipation of the sweet, luscious juices exploding over your tongue.