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Revision as of 18:58, 12 August 2007

"The twisted form of Noxuron still bears many characteristics of the sons of Lord Aegis, the plate armour of his former life clinging to his frame. A single horn arcs upwards from the top of this daemons skull, a fine mist swirling around the apex of the spiked appendage. Cruelty evident in his coarse expression, a pair of blazing crimson orbs peer out from his face, his blackened lips curled back in a smug sneer to reveal a gaping maw of razor teeth. Towering to titanic heights, his scaled black skin bulges out with thick muscles and bears upon it an intricate set of scars and tattoos. A pair of leathery wings juts outward from his shoulders, drooping to his feet, ghostly white and laced with thin veins of blood. The jagged claws of a demon curve from each club-like hand, the cruel weapons gleaming with patches of emerald and crimson streaks. Lord Noxuron, the Dreamscourge does not even register your presence as a threat."

Description for later reference. Asara 18:58, 12 August 2007 (GMT)