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Latest revision as of 04:13, 24 July 2007

A gargantuan closed fist of shimmering obsidian forms the Fist of Oppression, rising approximately fifteen feet into the air here. The polished stone gleams and glistens as it reflects every ray of light that falls upon it, while the simple pedestal of marble beneath it carries mysterious runes and symbols, etched into the stone and occasionally flickering with a deep red glow. Painstakingly fashioned and artfully crafted, the wrist beneath the actual fist bears thin lines of a silvery-white metal, set into the stone to formulate the triadic cornerstones "Mind", "Body" and "Soul" upon which the Ebon Fist has built its foundation. The Fist vibrates with a mysterious energy, emanating a low, humming sound, while the detailed carvings upon the fingernails depict horrific scenes of slaughter and death. --Kunama 04:13, 24 July 2007 (GMT)