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The '''Theatrum Mortalis''' was purchased by the city of [[Ashtan]] on the 19th of Sarapin in the year 285 AF. The funds used to purchase the arena were accrued through the numerous donations of its citizens, notably the guild of the [[Ashura]], alone raising over 1,000,000 gold sovereigns towards the cause. The top twenty donors received a spot within the city's history, their names engraved upon the various statues that are placed throughout the [[arenas|arena]]. The top three of those twenty donors received a statue of their own design. The arena itself is built upon two important sites of Ashtan city history, the tomb of [[Glanos]], and the ruins of the Imperial Complex. The tomb of Glanos is centrally placed within the arena, enabling the combatants to enter and explore it in its entirety, as well as wage battle in the shadowy forest to the west, or the tranquil garden to the east.  
Alright. Slowly fleshing out. Still needs to be alphabetized, broken down into chunks, and correctly formatted, and spell checked. This is just a portion of the heraldry overview. The inclusion of a heraldry overview was given approval by Clementius, but still want approval on this portion specifically due to its attempt to remain objective.

==Statues within the Theatrum Mortalis==
The following individuals have statues dedicated to them within the Theatrum Mortalis.

;Cyre - donated 900,000 sovereigns : Towering far above your head stands an enormous statue of a strikingly handsome knight. Crafted from a myriad number of stones and fine gems, the statue seems to exude a quiet sense of confidence and understanding. The figure is clad in a full suit of ruby red and shining silver platemail, each plate engraved and enameled with tiny patterns of red spirals, all connected and weaving an extremely complex, almost organic pattern. The figure's long, shimmering hair appears almost to toss with every gust of the wind, the mirrored surface of each strand playing tricks upon the eye. The knight's hands are clenched tight, and seemingly integrated in some mechanical way with his gauntlets are two long, double edged blades, glistening with polished perfection. A full cape hangs elegantly from around his neck, bearing the holy symbol of Lord [[Aegis]], God of War. A large golden plaque at the base of the statue reads 'Cyre Elseth, First Aegean Prophet.
== Heraldic Overview ==
Heraldry is the time honoured practice of fashioning a unique visual identifier for an individual or an organisation. This identifier is known as the '''heraldric arms'''. Over the ages a complex language has developed around the practice of heraldry to describe the colours, styles and shapes associated with the artistry of the heraldric arms.

;Malaclypse - donated 530,000 sovereigns : The facial features of this marble likeness are chiselled in sharp, strong lines, with a square jaw and a high forehead furrowed in a slight frown. Two perfect, ice blue diamonds gleam in the place of his eyes, and long, cruel fangs indicate his [[Troll|Trollish]] lineage. He appears to be gazing off into the distance with a determined yet confident cast to his stance, as if studying some far-off army. A reticulated black steel suit of armour, so fine in execution that it must have been created in exact copy of the original, sheathes this broad-shouldered form. Covered with thin, intricately networked steel veins, the armour seems fitted like a second skin or an exoskeleton. He grips a bejewelled Trollish longsword in his right hand.  A huge sword with a silver-studded ebon hilt, the Daemon Blade, glows with a cold red nimbus in his left hand. A platinum plaque engraved with dragons is set in the base of the statue. It reads 'Malaclypse Thorn, Fifth Overseer of Ashtan'.
Those who design heraldric arms are known as '''Heralds'''. Heralds are commissioned, and such a commission may be purchased from the Herald's Commission office in [[Delos]]. '''The Achaean Heraldry Association''' is a loose trade group that sets pricing guidance for the creation and emblazoning of heraldric arms, though membership in this association is not required to be an Herald.

;Ximili - donated 207,000 sovereigns : Your eye is drawn skyward as you catch a glimpse of a disgustedly grotesque statue. It is of an older [[Mhun]], his back hunched over in pain. The statue seems to be carved from a very dark stone, possibly volcanic. The figure's head is all but bald, marred with the scars of war. A shallow orifice on the left side of his face marks a missing eye, though the single one still present seems to stare at you constantly.  Mutilations cover the entire frame of the statue; deep gashes on the arms and chest summon memories of pain and anguish. The figure dons a blackened cloak of the Occult, and, perhaps the only attractive part of his attire, a beautifully crafted suit of scale mail covers his chest. A large flaming scimitar, carved out of an enormous ruby crystal, has been set in the centre of the armour. In one hand the man wields a long hunting spear, and in the other is held a deck of blackened Tarot cards. A large silver plaque on the base of the statue reads, 'Ximili Ximilus, Seer of the Non-Existent.'
== Heraldic Terms ==
Terms to define:

;Mistral - donated 200,000 sovereigns : The deadly forest [[basilisks|basilisk]] is depicted here in jade green marble, staring intently with amber gems in place of its paralyzing eyes. This creature's scaley skin and short, sturdy legs betray its kinship to the common lizard. Its mouth is open in a warning cry, displaying rows of razor sharp teeth. You marvel at how naturally this statue blends in with the surrounding forest, camouflaged similar to its living counterpart. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, This statue sponsored by Mistral of the Wild Blue Yonder.
What else? Not sure we need to include all of the tinctures or divisions since these are defined in their own sections. [[User:Trusler|Trusler]] 19:16, 30 July 2007 (GMT)

;Morlana - donated 157,435 sovereigns : Sharp fangs sculpted into this monument and the strange yellow eyes that must be some precious gem tell you that this is none other than a [[vampires|vampire]]. The crafter sculpted his facial features to appear intelligent and cunning.  As the vampire gazes fiercly from its quartzite shell, one gnarled hand extended menacingly towards you, his last victim lies drained at his feet.  The [[mhun]] is carved on the ground as if dropped unceremoniously. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, Primi Qui'anar Baroness Morlana S. Ni'Choya, The Illuminus Dark Mother.
== Heraldic Tinctures ==
Tincture refers to the colour, metal or fur for either the field or charges of the heraldric arms. There are fourteen different tinctures:

;Jack - donated 120,000 sovereigns : The torso of this figure emerges from a fugue of rubies and fire opals which line the riveted base. Meant to portray the whirlwind of fire from which the elemental springs, the statue has been carved with long tongues of stone covered in red gems. The upper half of the statue resembles a human with powerful arms and hair which is likewise covered with red gems to appear in flames. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, High Warlock Jack Moonflair.
*Argent: a metallic silver
*Azure: the colour blue
*Carnation: the colour pink (or pale red)
*Ermines: a fur of white spots on black
*Ermine: a fur of black spots on white
*Erminois: a fur of black spots on gold
*Gules: the colour red
*Or: a metallic gold
*Purpure: the colour purple
*Sable: the colour black
*Sanguine: the colour brown
*Tenne: the colour orange
*Vair: a fur of squirrel with alternating blue and white
*Vert: the colour green

;Fhyn - donated 100,000 sovereigns : This winged statue bears the upper torso of an extremely filthy woman, while the bottom half appears like that of a giant and hideous bird.  Her face is contorted in a grimace, and her arms are raised threateningly.  This statue, recovered from the waters surrounding Polyargos island, is of an unknown origin. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, Gwennefhyn Devarell.
== Heraldic Divisions ==
The division of the refers to the pattern on the field. Often the division will split the field into distinct partitions, each with its own tincture and charges. There are nineteen distinct forms of division:

;Vexlore - donated 75,000 sovereigns : There is something different about this statue of a cruel-faced [[Rajamala]]. Made of white marble, the flesh of this being is carved to appear skeletal. Its hands end in razor-sharp claws wrapped around the neck of a young [[atavian]] male.  This statue is rumoured to be a wight made by a death cult in the years predating the Seleucarian Empire. The marble has begun to chip away from the sturdy legs of the Rajamalan [[wights|wight]], and the atavian's wings have been broken, betraying the age of this artefact. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, "In service to Ashtan, Sir Vexlore Sar'vet."
*Barry: divided into horizontal bars (of 4, 6, 8 or 10)
*Bendy: divided into diagonal bars from dexter chief (of 4, 6, 8 or 10)
*Bendy sinister: divided into diagonal bars from sinister chief
*Checquy: a checkerboard pattern
*Gyronny: divided into triangles touching in the center (of 8 or 12)
*Lozengy: a diamond pattern
*Paly: divided into vertical bars (of 4, 6, 8 or 10)
*Per bend: divided in two by a diagonal line
*Per chevron: divided in two by a chevron shape pointed up
*Per fess: divided in two by a horizontal line
*Per fess and paly: the paly division, divided per fess, counterchanged
*Per pale: divided in two by a vertical line
*Per pale and barry: the barry division, divided by pale, counterchanged
*Per pall: divided in three, in a shape similar to the letter Y
*Per saltire: divided in four by two crossing diagonal lines
*Quarterly: divided into four by a vertical and horizontal line
*Tierced per fess: divided into three horizontal bars
*Tierced per pale: divided into three vertical bars
*Undivided: an undivided field

;[[Shakti]] - donated 71,750 sovereigns : Sculpted entirely out of a smooth dusky amber, this mountain lion studies its prey patiently through slitted golden eyes.  crouched low and ready to spring, its sleek powerful muscles are ingeniously crafted to appear as if in liquid motion.  The masterful sculpting causes your hackles to rise as your imagination animates the statue. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, Shakti Devi - Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted.
== Heraldic Lines of Partition ==

;Mephisto - donated 62,680 sovereigns : This life-size statue of the bestial Cerberus is a highly accurate example of the mastiff-like creature. Carved of obsidian, the two heads seem to stare out at you with utter contempt and hatred no matter where you stand. The four ruby eyes appear to glow in the misty light. The left head of the statue has its lips curled back in a terrible growl. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, Mephisto the Occultist.

;Sunrise - donated 60,000 sovereigns : Towering over your head, this cave bear is carved from a huge piece of jet-black obsidian.  The size of the bear is so massive, a single paw could easily wrap around your head.  A savage growl on its face reveals a mouthful of sharp, jagged teeth carved out of yellowed ivory. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, Sunrise, Ward of Aegis.
== Heraldic Ordinaries ==

;Sylence - donated 58,000 sovereigns : This pair of muscular grey wolves are frozen in rough-hewn granite in the act of bringing down a huge elk several times their size.  One leaps for the elk's throat with a vicious snarl, while his mate rips with deadly precision at the tendons in the elk's rear legs.  The elk's eyes are rolled back in its sockets in eternal terror and agony as it sinks towards the ground and certain death. The sculptor has used the texture of the granite to his advantage, chipping in fine detail around the head and extremities but leaving the surfaces raw to suggest matted fur. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, Takezo (Sylence) Ikari.

;Nightcrawler - donated 55,000 sovereigns : This foot and a half tall statue shows the gremlin in life-sized proportions. Carved from sandstone, the figure seems to be hopping about with one leg in the air and the other poised to spring.  It's mouth is opened in a disproportionately large toothy grin, it's dagger-like teeth apparently forged from steel.  The gremlin is a hideously ugly thing, which this sculptor has captured beautifully. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, Opportunistic Prince Nightcrawler, the Speaker for the Dead.
== Heraldic Charges ==

;Enoc - donated 55,000 sovereigns : A statue of a massive gorilla is displayed here, it's thick arms raised above it's head, it's fists clenched.  The gorilla's face is etched in a savage roar at the caveman below it. The humans face, already mauled, is frozen with horror in anticipation of his impending death.  The granite of this statue is carved with jagged edges and rough surfaces so as to inspire the wild and beastial nature of its subject. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, Archdragon Enoc Azon, The Aegean Fist.

;Xenomorph - donated 55,000 sovereigns : Carved with infinite care out of a heavy, dark stained wood, this wild [[boars|boar]] has been portrayed in mid-charge.  Its ferocious tusks are lowered and ready to gut, and its small, beady eyes seem to glisten with animal rage. This statue is made in typical [[Tomacula|Tomaculan]] style. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, The Praetorian, Xenomorph.
;bendlet: A bendlet is related to the ordinary bend, and usually used to distinguish similiar coats of arms belonging to the same family. It is usually half the size of a bend but can be narrower, and crosses the shield from upper right corner to lower left side.

;Amitation - donated 53,000 sovereigns : The [[ogres|ogre]], which has been carved of a single piece of oak, bears down on you with his oversized club. Its glares at you with a perpetual sneer on its brown face. This primitive humanoid is possessed of enormous proportions and incredible strength.  The statue is carved rather crudely, giving reason to believe the sculptor an ogre himself. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, Amitation Ikari.
;pallet: A pallet is related to the ordinary pale, it is a verticle line set up across the coat of arms, about one-fourth of the width of a pale.

;Tristan - donated 50,000 sovereigns : The huge crescent-curved tusks on this statue must have been lifted straight off its real-life counterpart. If so, the tremendous size of this slate statue must be true-to-life as well, a rather staggering thought as you have seen houses that are smaller.  The Great Bull Elephant appears to be trumpeting its massive trunk in a battlecry, one foot raised as if to come smashing down. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, Sir Tristan Sha'en, Head Master Guildsmith.
;anchor: The anchor is both an emblem of hope, as well as being a reference towards ships and mortals upon the oceans.

;Antarax - donated 42,000 sovereigns : This great river predator has been sculpted in bronze, and rests on top of a three foot solid onyx pedestal.  Stretching almost 14 feet long, the crocodiles tail hangs down to the ground, while its massive jaw stretches towards you. It's mouth hangs slightly ajar, displaying dozens of tiny teeth with which to chew it's prey. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, Antarax Moonflair, Warmage.
;annulet: A ring on an escutcheon. It can stand for nobility/rank and or a sign of its bearer's favor with nobility/rank.  

;Andelas - donated 41,000 sovereigns : This huge insect has its six hooked legs splayed in all directions, feeling for its prey. Impaled on one leg is the limp body of an atavian, her limbs dangling to the ground. Its enormous worm like body is crafted of hematite, and its two large mandibles appear strong enough to snap a tree in two. Ten foot antennae reach into the sky, feeling the tree's around them. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, "In service to Ashtan, Andelas Ikari.
;arrow: An arrow can often symbolize archers. Members of Houses that originated from Serpent Guilds often use the arrow in their arms.

;Zeikan - donated 40,500 sovereigns : Mounted on the wall above the raging stream here is the eight-tentacled scourge of the sea, the octopus.  It is crafted from stone, and its front  four tentacles reach out towards you, its beak-like mouth opened in wait for its prey.  The stone of the bull-sized body of the octopus has been turned green with moss and lichen. A shiny bronze plaque is affixed to the base of the statue reading, In service to Ashtan, Zeikan Tecuarin and Sensei Revelation Azon.
;axe: A weapon used to cut wood, also similiar to battle axes. Can often symbolize the axe-hand skill of Monks, or the throwing-axe of the Sentinels.

;bezant: A gold coin. Often representative of wealth, and or prosperity. Used in the arms of the Order of Prospero.
[[Category:Edit needed]]
;billet: A square used to represent a piece of paper or parchment in the form of a letter. Used to denote both scholars, and individuals known for literary correspondence.
;book: A book, used to represent both scholars, the learned, and those who pursue any path of knowledge. Also signifies libraries and archives.
;bow: A weapon used in archery to shoot arrows. Members of Houses that originated from Serpent Guilds often use the bow in their arms.
;cartouche: An oval-shaped shield often used to display the arms of women as an alternative to the lozenge. Also used by clergy (priests and apostates or ranked members of non-militaristic Orders to avoid the military associations of an escutcheon.
;castle: A fortress, or other defensive structure. Can be used to allude to the Baelgrim Fortress, the Iron Citadel, the Fortress of the Shamans, or any of the other numerous fortresses, baronies, and castles that dot the Sapience. (Adryn's Keep, Ruins of Morindar, Annwyn, Gnoll Fortress in Manara, Castle Enverren, Barony of Petra, Castle in Bopalopia, Dun Castle, the Vertani Fortress).
;cinquefoil: A stemless, five-pointed rose.
;dirk: A short dagger used primarily by those of the Serpent class, it can be used symbolically to denote an assassin, or just someone who has the Serpent Class.
;escallop: A scallop shell, often used to denote that the bearer had made a pilgrimage of some sort. Also, in being a shell, holds reference to the seas or oceans.
;estoile: A star with six wavy points. Used in the arms of Kastalia, Prospero, and numerous citizens of Shallam, it appeals to the representatives of Good and Wealth.
;feather: A part of the plumage of various fowl, often used symbolically to represent those of the Atavian race.
;flame: Self-explanatory. Could be used to refer to the Flame of Yggdrasil, the black flame of Thoth, the purple flame of Keresis, and the flame sigils of the magi.
;flute: A musical instrument of the woodwind family used primarily by bards. Can be used in reference to music and the House of Ty Beirdd.
;fountain: A structure of flowing water. Can refer to the fountain in Cyrene, the memorial fountain in Thera, the Fountain of grace in Shala'jen, and the black granite fountain of Bitterfork.
;fusil: A narrow diamond-shape.
;garb: A sheaf of corn. Can be symbolic of the agricultural villages of Nimick, Adryn's Keep, and Petra, all known for growing corn.
;gauntlet: An often armored glove known for protecting from the fingers to the forearms. Used in the arms of Aegis, it can be used to denote fighters and or warriors of many types.
;glove: A glove.
;golpe: A purple circle.
;gong: A metal percussion instrument.
;guze: A brownish-red circle. Often said to represent an eyeball.
;harp: A stringed instrument. Used in the arms of the House of Ty Beirrd, harps can often be representative of those of the bardic class.
;hurt: A blue circle.
;lozenge: A diamond shape. Often associated with women.
;lute: A plucked string instrument.
;lymphad: A small galley with 12 to 18 oars.
;lyre: A stringed instrument.
;mace: A long shaft, metal or wooden, with various types of heads. Often the prefered weapon of those of the class of Priests.
;mandolin: A small stringed instrument.
;mascle: A voided lozenge or diamond shaped outline.
;mullet: A five pointed star. Used in the arms of Ourania, can be seen to represent a starry sky.
;necklace: A piece of jewellery, can also refer to the Necklace of Purity or Comprehension.
;orange: A citrus fruit.
;ouroboros: A snake eating its own tail. Used by Ourania in her arms to symbolise a neverending cycle, as well as a device used by Magi to create enchantments.
;pellet: A black circle.
;plate: A silver circle.
;quarterstaff: A weapon used primarily by those of the [[Druid]] and [[Sylvan]] classes, and thus often symbolic of the guardianship of nature.
;quatrefoil: A stemless, four-petaled rose.
;quill: One of the large feathers of the tail-wing of a bird, often used as a writing instrument. Often symbolic of scholars writers, and designers.
;ring: Could symbolise the profession of jewellers, a ranked individual, as well as the ring some falcon's bear.
;rose: A flower.
;rustre: A circular hole in a diamond shape.
;saltorel: A small diagonal cross-shape.
;scimitar: A sword with a curved blade. Can refer to the scimitar of Yen-Sorte, the older flaming scimitar of [[Aegis]], the scimitars wielded by the [[El'Jazira|El'Jaziran]] guards, of the scimitar the Warleader [[Lockwood]] wielded in the [[Battle of Shallam]].
;scroll: When crystalized, the symbol of [[Lorielan]]. Also the symbol of The Achaean Heraldry Association. Can be used in reference to scholars and those who pursue knowledge.
;spear: A pole weapon with a sharpened head. Can refer to the [[Spear of Arn]].
;staff: A pole, can be used as a weapon. Can refer to the [[Staff of Nicator]], the [[Staff of the Lorewardens]], and those of the Magi class.
;sun rayonny: A blazing sun, one of the symbols of [[Mithraea]].
;sword: A bladed weapon. One of the symbols of Miramar. Can refer to the sword of numerous historical figures.
;torteau: A red circle.
;tower: A tall edifice. Several towers exist on Sapience, the [[Ember Tower]] of the Imps, the crystalline tower in [[Actar Valley]], the [[Sky Tower]] of [[Arcadia]], the [[Tower of the Blue Abyss]], [[Maklak]]'s tower of ice, the now destroyed [[Tower of Luminai]] in Shallam, [[Tower of the Moon and Stars]] in [[Hashan]], and the [[Living Spire]].
;tree eradicated: A tree torn up by the roots. 
;tree: A tree. Can be symbolic of many things depending upon its species.
;trefoil slipped: A three petaled rose torn from the plant.
;vial: A container used to hold elixirs, venoms, and other substances. Often used in relation to the concoctionists of the realm.
cobra coiled:
moon crescent:
viper coiled
Zarathustran eagle 
double-headed eagle displayed
dragon rampant 
stormcloud pierced by a runeblade
python coiled
willow tree
chestnut tree
hazel tree
oak tree
cedar tree
pine tree
aspen tree
birch tree
maple tree
poplar tree
sycamore tree
scales of justice
cobra-edged septagram
open palm with fingers splayed
moon decrescent
three annulets interfretted
tree in blossom
morning glory
== Heraldic Practices ==

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