Difference between revisions of "Runes"

1,642 bytes added ,  19:18, 9 April 2019
→‎Rune List: added column, included rune images
(Shamans no longer have runelore, bit of history added)
(→‎Rune List: added column, included rune images)
Line 19: Line 19:
||inspires [[fear]]
||inspires [[fear]]
||heals allies
||heals allies
||lightning bolt
||lightning bolt
||causes [[sleep|sleeping]] urges
||causes [[sleep|sleeping]] urges
||closed eye
||closed eye
||attacks [[mana (statistic)|mental reserves]]
||attacks [[mana (statistic)|mental reserves]]
||square box
||square box
||increases vitality
||increases vitality
||[[paralysis|paralyses]] enemies
||[[paralysis|paralyses]] enemies
||[[stickpeople|stick man]]
||[[stickpeople|stick man]]
||returns an [[enemies|enemy’s]] sight
||returns an [[enemies|enemy’s]] sight
||open eye
||open eye
||increases the ability of a weapon to connect
||increases the ability of a weapon to connect
||damages the [[health (statistic)|health]] of enemies
||damages the [[health (statistic)|health]] of enemies
||protects from damage
||protects from damage
||calls forth shockwaves
||calls forth shockwaves
||flurry of lightning bolts
||flurry of lightning bolts
||heals [[afflictions]] at random
||heals [[afflictions]] at random
||rising [[sun]]
||rising [[sun]]
||increases the blunt protection of armour
||increases the blunt protection of armour
||increases the cutting protection of armour
||increases the cutting protection of armour
||raises a stone wall
||raises a stone wall
||summons a spirit steed
||summons a spirit steed
||calls forth a spout of molten lava
||calls forth a spout of molten lava
||increases a weapon’s damage
||increases a weapon’s damage
||large hammer
||large hammer
||calls down a hailstorm
||calls down a hailstorm
||ball of ice
||ball of ice
||sucks the nourishment from foes
||sucks the nourishment from foes
||returns hearing
||returns hearing
||besieges enemies with spouts of lava
||besieges enemies with spouts of lava
||mountain range
||mountain range
||afflicts foes with [[voyria]] [[:Category:Venom|poison]]
||afflicts foes with [[voyria]] [[:Category:Venom|poison]]
||removes the [[defences]] of enemies
||removes the [[defences]] of enemies
||upward-pointing arrow
||upward-pointing arrow
||provides health regeneration
||provides health regeneration
||beguiles and [[transfix|transfixes]] enemies
||beguiles and [[transfix|transfixes]] enemies
||dampens [[Crystalism|vibrations]]
||dampens [[Crystalism|vibrations]]
||makes a weapon magically faster
||makes a weapon magically faster
||long slim blade
||long slim blade
||afflicts enemies with [[anorexia]]
||afflicts enemies with [[anorexia]]
||apple core
||apple core

