Difference between revisions of "The Foozle Dance"

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(Created page with "By: Jurixe Posted on: September 30, 2014 "SAPIENCE!" The Rajamala winced at the high-pitched, girlish shout as it reverberated through the continent with Divine power. "P...")
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This would be fun.
This would be fun.


"Let's make it interesting!" Pandora's laughing voice rang out as he sauntered down the gangplank of his Seastrider. "The -city- that performs the best for Me will earn a token of My favour for excellent entertainment!"
"Let's make it interesting!" Pandora's laughing voice rang out as he sauntered down the gangplank of his Seastrider. "The -city- that performs the best for Me will earn a token of My favour for excellent entertainment!"
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Eleusis, he was sure, would not lose this one while he was around.
Eleusis, he was sure, would not lose this one while he was around.


CLICK! *whrrrrrr*
CLICK! *whrrrrrr*
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Nonetheless, he gave it a wink - just because - and began to stroke strongly towards the surface.
Nonetheless, he gave it a wink - just because - and began to stroke strongly towards the surface.


"I'm sorry, adventurer, but my hound was slain," sighed rotund Lord Adryn, wringing his hands in despair. "I can't think why anyone would do such a thing. Poor little dog, and it was such a good hunting dog of mine..."
"I'm sorry, adventurer, but my hound was slain," sighed rotund Lord Adryn, wringing his hands in despair. "I can't think why anyone would do such a thing. Poor little dog, and it was such a good hunting dog of mine..."
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"What a strange adventurer...and dripping wet, too, of all things. I wonder if they're all like that..."
"What a strange adventurer...and dripping wet, too, of all things. I wonder if they're all like that..."


The door to the shop burst open, startling both the shopkeeper and his dog, who jumped up from his spot and began to bark loudly at the intruder.
The door to the shop burst open, startling both the shopkeeper and his dog, who jumped up from his spot and began to bark loudly at the intruder.
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Despite the shopkeeper's admonitions, the hound insisted on running after him and barking furiously for a good ten minutes more, just for good measure. Just in case that large scary cat didn't know what was good for him.
Despite the shopkeeper's admonitions, the hound insisted on running after him and barking furiously for a good ten minutes more, just for good measure. Just in case that large scary cat didn't know what was good for him.


"Slaves...slaves. Hmm."
"Slaves...slaves. Hmm."
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He'd never been afraid of a little red fog anyway.
He'd never been afraid of a little red fog anyway.


The stench hit his sensitive nose long before the slave camp ever came into sight, and he wrinkled it in distaste as he walked into the courtyard. If he had more time, he would have made a detour to kill the slaver and set these poor saps free of their torment, but he was a little short on time as it was.
The stench hit his sensitive nose long before the slave camp ever came into sight, and he wrinkled it in distaste as he walked into the courtyard. If he had more time, he would have made a detour to kill the slaver and set these poor saps free of their torment, but he was a little short on time as it was.
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Maybe it had just been his imagination.
Maybe it had just been his imagination.


Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. He panted quickly as he ran, loving the feeling of moving across the earth as quickly as his legs could carry him, urging them to strain harder, go faster, go further. Running was such a simple pleasure, but it was one of his greatest joys in life.
Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. He panted quickly as he ran, loving the feeling of moving across the earth as quickly as his legs could carry him, urging them to strain harder, go faster, go further. Running was such a simple pleasure, but it was one of his greatest joys in life.
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"This is mine."
"This is mine."


He'd seen something.
He'd seen something.
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Targossan, Cyrenian, Hashani, Ashtani, Mhaldorian - he would beat them all.
Targossan, Cyrenian, Hashani, Ashtani, Mhaldorian - he would beat them all.


One more card submitted, a full one at that - he must be doing quite well now, surely?
One more card submitted, a full one at that - he must be doing quite well now, surely?
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"Let's see you try to outrun me, Naga."
"Let's see you try to outrun me, Naga."


A last word remained on his box as the contraption flashed and whirred, and he scanned it quickly, for by his estimate this would be his final chance.
A last word remained on his box as the contraption flashed and whirred, and he scanned it quickly, for by his estimate this would be his final chance.