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'''Excommunication''' is the much feared act of permanently severing of [[Devotion (skill)|Devotion]] (or [[Excision]])-users from regenerating [[Devotion (statistic)|devotion]] (passively or actively). Historically, this censorious privilege was delegated to [[Archprelate|Archprelates]] by the [[Divine Patron]] of the [[Church|Holy Church]] of [[Achaea]]. Following the Church Era, the power was passed to the Caliphs of [[Shallam]], and still later, entrusted to the [[Deacon of Celestia|Deacons of Celestia]]. Although being excommunicated affects the Devotion [[skill]] hardest, certain [[Spirituality]] [[abilities]] also become unavailable to [[Priest]]s when devotional magic fades to nothing.
'''Excommunication''' is the much feared act of permanently severing of [[Devotion (skill)|Devotion]] (or [[Excision]])-users from regenerating [[Devotion (statistic)|devotion]] (passively or actively). Historically, this censorious privilege was delegated to [[Archprelate|Archprelates]] by the [[Divine Patron]] of the [[Church|Holy Church]] of [[Achaea]]. Following the Church Era, the power was passed to the Caliphs of [[Shallam]], and still later, entrusted to the [[Deacon of Celestia|Deacons of Celestia]]. Although being excommunicated affects the Devotion [[skill]] hardest, certain [[Spirituality]] [[abilities]] also become unavailable to [[Priest]]s when devotional magic fades to nothing.

Excommunication has a similar variant in the land of [[Evil]], called [[Anathema]].
Excommunication has a similar variant in the land of [[Evil]], called [[anathema (severance)|anathema]].



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