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Information to go here.
The facilities of Shallam are interpersed throughout the city, from Arbela Square to the Old Medina. Most of these services can be used by citizens and visitors alike.
The Solarium of Thought - Newsroom located inside the Silverdrop Inn
Royal Shallamese Post Office - run by Caliphan.
The Imperial Shallamese Bank - Bank, it is located across the street from the post office.
Inside a blacksmith's workshop - Forge, it can be found on Viziers Street.
The stable courtyard - Stables (can be used by Shallamese only) and mount food, run by Mahmoud, the Stablemaster and his daughter Coscela from Azzul Square.
Locksmith of Shallam - Locksmith, run by Barkash and his apprentice, Bostick in the Medina.



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